The AllowFieldTruncationHeader type exposes the following members.


Public propertyActor
Gets or sets the recipient of the SOAP header.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyallowFieldTruncation
Public propertyDidUnderstand
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an XML Web service method properly processed a SOAP header.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyEncodedMustUnderstand
Gets or sets the value of the mustUnderstand XML attribute for the SOAP header when communicating with SOAP protocol version 1.1.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyEncodedMustUnderstand12
Gets or sets the value of the mustUnderstand XML attribute for the SOAP header when communicating with SOAP protocol version 1.2.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyEncodedRelay
Gets or sets the relay attribute of the SOAP 1.2 header.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyMustUnderstand
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SoapHeader must be understood.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyRelay
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SOAP header is to be relayed to the next SOAP node if the current node does not understand the header.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)
Public propertyRole
Gets or sets the recipient of the SOAP header.
(Inherited from SoapHeader.)

See Also