Overload List

Public methodCreatePagedRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner)
Create a "Paged" Relations object, with given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public methodCreatePagedRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner, Boolean, Nullable<(Of <<'(Boolean>)>>), Boolean)
Create a "Paged" Relations object with default page size, given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public methodCreatePagedRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<(Of <<'(Boolean>)>>), Boolean)
Create a "Paged" Relations object with specific page size, given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)

See Also