Get the relations collection of the FolioModule's child folio items

Namespace: Cartella.Interfaces
Assembly: CartellaData (in CartellaData.dll) Version: (


IPagedEntityChildrenList<TTarget, int> GetChildEntities<TTarget>()
where TTarget : class, new(), IEntity
Visual Basic
Function GetChildEntities(Of TTarget As {Class, New, IEntity}) As IPagedEntityChildrenList(Of TTarget, Integer)
Visual C++
generic<typename TTarget>
where TTarget : ref class, gcnew(), IEntity
IPagedEntityChildrenList<TTarget, int>^ GetChildEntities()

Type Parameters

Type of target for the relations, must be non-abstract class derived from IFolioItem

Field Value

ICartellaRelations<IFolioModule, TTarget>

Return Value

Collection of FolioItem of given type

See Also