The SforceService type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAllOrNoneHeaderValue
Public propertyAllowAutoRedirect
Gets or sets whether the client automatically follows server redirects.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyAllowFieldTruncationHeaderValue
Public propertyAssignmentRuleHeaderValue
Public propertyCallOptionsValue
Public propertyClientCertificates
Gets the collection of client certificates.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyConnectionGroupName
Gets or sets the name of the connection group for the request.
(Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCookieContainer
Gets or sets the collection of cookies.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyCredentials
Gets or sets security credentials for XML Web service client authentication.
(Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyDebuggingHeaderValue
Public propertyDebuggingInfoValue
Public propertyDisableFeedTrackingHeaderValue
Public propertyEmailHeaderValue
Public propertyEnableDecompression
Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether decompression is enabled for this HttpWebClientProtocol.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyLocaleOptionsValue
Public propertyLoginScopeHeaderValue
Public propertyMruHeaderValue
Public propertyPackageVersionHeaderValue
Public propertyPreAuthenticate
Gets or sets whether pre-authentication is enabled.
(Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyProxy
Gets or sets proxy information for making an XML Web service request through a firewall.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyQueryOptionsValue
Public propertyRequestEncoding
The Encoding used to make the client request to the XML Web service.
(Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public propertySessionHeaderValue
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySoapVersion
Gets or sets the version of the SOAP protocol used to make the SOAP request to the XML Web service.
(Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Public propertyStreamingEnabledHeaderValue
Public propertyTimeout
Indicates the time an XML Web service client waits for a synchronous XML Web service request to complete (in milliseconds).
(Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyUnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether connection sharing is enabled when the client uses NTLM authentication to connect to the Web server that hosts the XML Web service.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyUrl
Public propertyUseDefaultCredentials
Public propertyUserAgent
Gets or sets the value for the user agent header that is sent with each request.
(Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public propertyUserTerritoryDeleteHeaderValue

See Also