The base class featuring common characteristics of all common asset objects.

Please note that the objects themselves are not data-bound. They are simply information holders for corresponding data records. It's perfectly legal to construct a new object without data relevance, populate it with values, and use it to create a new record in the database.

It is also legal for one record to have several instances of representive objects. Therefore it is never a correct approach to compare object to object: two instances of same class are equal to each other if they have the same ID.

Namespace: Cartella.Interfaces
Assembly: AssetManagementSystem (in AssetManagementSystem.dll) Version: (


public interface IAssetCommon : IUniqueObject, 
Visual Basic
Public Interface IAssetCommon _
	Inherits IUniqueObject, IDisposable
Visual C++
public interface class IAssetCommon : IUniqueObject, 


All objects in Cartella asset space inherit this interface.

See Also