Overload List

Public methodCreateRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner)
Create a CartellaRelations object, with given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public methodCreateRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner, Boolean)
Create a relations object, with given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object. We can decide if the relations is editable this this syntax.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public methodCreateRelations<(Of <<'(TOwner, TTargetObject, TTarget>)>>)(TOwner, Boolean, array<IFieldCollection>[]()[][])
Create a relations object, with given owner and target types. The procedure delegates will be assigned to the relations object. List of Fields collection for target objects are passed in as parameters in this syntax.
(Inherited from ICartellaObjectManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)

See Also