The IDataProcedureParameters type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddParameter<(Of <<'(TDbParameter, TValue>)>>)(String, IField)
Add a new parameter into the collection if it doesn't yet exist. If it does, perform an update.
Public methodAddParameter<(Of <<'(TDbParameter, TValue>)>>)(String, Object)
Add a new parameter into the collection if it doesn't yet exist. If it does, perform an update.
Public methodAddParameter<(Of <<'(TDbParameter, TValue>)>>)(String, String)
Add a new parameter into the collection if it doesn't yet exist. If it does, perform an update.
Public methodClear
Clear all parameters out of a collection.
Public methodContains
Test the collection for a parameter item.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Return the enumerator of the collection.
Public methodRemove
Remove a parameter by its name.
Public methodRemoveAt
Remove a parameter by its index position.
Public methodToArray
Retrieve all collection parameters as an array.


Public propertyCount
Get the count of the parameter items in the collection.
Public propertyItem[([( Int32])])
Retrieve the parameter by its index.
Public propertyItem[([( String])])
Retrieve the parameter based upon the key passed.

See Also