The Details view content place holder is found in ProjectModule.aspx that we created earlier

The DetailsView renders a simple item. The example code given below renders the details of a specific project. This view creates a dependent view “FullListItem_Project”.

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="CurrentItemView" runat="server">
        var itemModel = Model as Cartella.Classes.IProject;
        if (itemModel != null)
            var boxData = new ViewDataDictionary();
            /// Render document item full details box
            ButtonWrapper[] buttons = (Model.CanCreate) ?
                new ButtonWrapper[] { 
                        new ButtonWrapper() {
                            Label = "Create New Project",
                            Url = Url.Action("Create", "FolioItem", new { itemType = "Cartella.Classes.Project" })
                    } :
            boxData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Title", itemModel.CurrentItem.Item.Name));
            boxData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("partialViewName", "FullListItem_"));
            ViewInformation blogItemBox = new ViewInformation("BoxDisplay", boxData, buttons);
            ViewInformation blogItem = new ViewInformation("FullListItem_Project", itemModel.CurrentItem);

            /// Render document item full details box end

            /// Render comments box
            Html.CartellaRenderPartial("Comments/Comments", itemModel);
            /// Render comments box end


The code above calls the "FullListItem_Project" view. The next step will assume that you are using the code above.

Create the FullListItem_Project View

In the "Shared" folder, create a new view called "FullListItem_Project.ascx".

Fill in the newly created view:

<%@ Import Namespace="Cartella.Models" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Cartella.Models.EditForm" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Cartella.Classes" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Cartella.Interfaces" %>
<%@ Control Language="C#" 
    Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Cartella.Models.FolioItemWrapper>" %>
    var model = ViewData.Model;

    var item = model.FolioItem as Cartella.Classes.IProject;
    if (item != null)

<div class="blogPostTitle">
    <% Html.CartellaRenderPartial("FolioItem_Buttons", model); %>
    <div class="clearBoth">
<p class="blogPostDate">
    <%=  item.CreationDate.Value.ToShortDateString() %>
    posted by
    <% = (item.CreationUser != null) ? item.CreationUser.FirstName + " " + item.CreationUser.LastName : "Anonomous"%></p>
<div class="copy">
    <%= item.Description%>
    <div class="clearBoth"></div>
<div class="copy">
    <p>Start Date: <%= item.StartDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")%></p>
    <p>Projected End Date: <%= item.ProjectedEndDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")%></p>
        if (item.ActualEndDate > DateTime.MinValue)
            <p>Completion Date: <%= item.ActualEndDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")%></p>

<!-- document links and versions -->
    AssetHistoryLinks history = new AssetHistoryLinks(item.Asset);
    Html.CartellaRenderPartial("AssetVersion/AssetVersions", history,
        new ViewDataDictionary() { { "Editable", item.Editable } });

<p class="copy">
    Posted in:
        foreach (ICategory category in item.Categories.Values)
            Response.Write(Html.ActionLink(category.Name, "Index", "FolioModule", new { folioID = item.OwnerFolio.ID, folioModuleLabel = item.OwnerModule.Label, category = category.ID }, null) + "  ");
        if (item.Categories.Count == 0)