The IField type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAllowNullValue
Test the field to see if it allows null value.
(Inherited from IFieldDefinition.)
Public propertyExtendedPropertyInfo
Storage for ExtendedColumnInfo of IField in context. ExtendedColumnInfo is a DataClass for Extended Properties.
Public propertyFieldName
Get the string name of the field.
(Inherited from IFieldDefinition.)
Public propertyFieldValue
Storage for the field value.
Public propertyIsDirty
Storage for the flag indicating the field has been changed and not updated.
Public propertyIsPrimaryKeyField
Storage for a flag indicating the field is the primary key field.
(Inherited from IFieldDefinition.)
Public propertyPreviousFieldValue
Get the field's previous value, during field value change.
Public propertyReadOnly
Test the field to see if it is read-only.
(Inherited from IFieldDefinition.)
Public propertyValidator
Get the validator of this field.
(Inherited from IFieldDefinition.)

See Also