Class for managing information about notifications within Cartella. The class will manage setting notification logs and retrieving them given an identifier, or Notification Type. The default intervals are 60 days, 30 days, and 3 days. Intervals can be overridden and will automatically be sorted in descending order. If no previous log exists, or the previous log's days until next notification field is set to zero, a new log will be entered with the highest interval value. It is possible to intervene in an interval if a smaller value is given than the last log entry. For example if a log contains 30 days until next notification and a new interval is passed in ( ..., 5.0, 3.0, 1.0) the logging will resume with the given interval. However if a count within the current interval is above the last log count then it will be passed over for this round of notifications. For instance if your interval contains 35.0 and the last log contains 30.0 as its day count then it will not consider setting a higher number.

Namespace: Cartella.Classes.NotificationLogs
Assembly: CartellaData (in CartellaData.dll) Version: (


public class ExpirationNotificationLogger : NotificationLogger
Visual Basic
Public Class ExpirationNotificationLogger _
	Inherits NotificationLogger
Visual C++
public ref class ExpirationNotificationLogger : public NotificationLogger

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also