The FilterCode..::..IFilter type exposes the following members.


Public methodBindRegion
The IFilter::BindRegion method retrieves an interface representing the specified portion of the object. Currently reserved for future use.
Public methodGetChunk
The IFilter::GetChunk method positions the filter at the beginning of the next chunk, or at the first chunk if this is the first call to the GetChunk method, and returns a description of the current chunk.
Public methodGetText
The IFilter::GetText method retrieves text (text-type properties) from the current chunk, which must have a CHUNKSTATE enumeration value of CHUNK_TEXT.
Public methodGetValue
The IFilter::GetValue method retrieves a value (public value-type property) from a chunk, which must have a CHUNKSTATE enumeration value of CHUNK_VALUE.
Public methodInit
The IFilter::Init method initializes a filtering session.

See Also