The IUser type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddUserConnection
Public methodContainsField
Checks to see if the object contains a specicific field by fielod name. to check
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodCreatedComments
Get comments created by this user
Public methodGet_Procedure_SelectPagedRelations
Return the "SelectPagedRelationsProcedure" delegate, by the given target type
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodGet_Procedure_SelectPositionedRelations
Return the "SelectPositionedRelationsProcedure" delegate, by the given target type
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodGet_Procedure_SelectRelations
Return the "SelectRelationsProcedure" delegate, by the given target type
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodGetApprovedConnections
Used to get approved connections
Public methodGetConnectionModifiedItems
Public methodGetCreatedOrModifiedItems(String, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves set of recent items created or modified by user
Public methodGetCreatedOrModifiedItems(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean%)
Retrieves set of recent items created or modified by user
Public methodGetFields
Get a collection of fields.
(Inherited from IBaseObject.)
Public methodGetPendingConnection
Used to get pending connections
Public methodGetProfile
Returns user's profile. If no profile exists for the current user one will be created. Will return null if the user is anonymous.
Public methodGroups
Returns groups associated with user.
Public methodInitialize (Inherited from IBaseObject.)
Public methodRemoveUserConnection
Public methodRetrieveFullRecord
Retrieve full content of the object. This method is automatically invoked, when full record retrieval is never done on the object, and indexer call if performed on the fields key that doesn't exist.
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodSetPassword
Change password for this user. Exception will be thrown, if the old password doesn't match. Only System Admin can perform this method, otherwise, Security Exception is thrown.
Public methodSetupDelegates
Setup the delegate methods for data communications
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)
Public methodStartUpdate
Suppress update events. Use "Using" statement to automatically dispose and reset Event update switch. Put the actual object property changes inside the using block
(Inherited from IBatchUpdatable.)
Public methodUpdateData
Sync the data of the object to underlying data record
(Inherited from IBatchUpdatable.)
Public methodValidateRules
Validates instance based on rules stored in the Global Manager. If validation fails, a Validation Exception will be thrown.
(Inherited from ICartellaObject.)

See Also