The ICartellaPagedRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)> type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddRelation
Add a relation entry to the collection. If the collection is not editable, exception will be thrown. If the target unique ID already exists in the keys collection, exception will be thrown. It will also fire the "TargetAdded" event if successful
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodConvert<(Of <<'(TNewOwner, TNewTarget>)>>)
Casting operation, convert both owner and target objects to a differnt types. If casting of the owner or targets to new types are not successful, exception will be thrown
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodConvertOwner<(Of <<'(TNewOwner>)>>)
Casting operation, convert the owner object to a differnt type. If casting of the owner to new type is not successful, exception will be thrown
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodConvertTarget<(Of <<'(TNewTarget>)>>)
Casting operation, convert the target objects to a differnt type. If casting of the targets to new type are not successful, exception will be thrown
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodGetAll<(Of <<'(TTargetObject>)>>)
Retrieve all records in the relations, with specific way to providing a composite owner ID parameter
Public methodGetPage<(Of <<'(TTargetObject>)>>)
Get target objects in specific page. Page number starts with 1. If page number is outside of the total pages in the relations, empty dictionary is returned
Public methodRemoveRelation
Remove a target off the relation. If collection is not editable, exception will be thrown. Target doesn't exist will not cause any exceptions. It will fire the "TargetRemoved" event is removal is successful.
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodSetupDelegates(InsertRelationsProcedure, RemoveRelationsProcedure)
Setup the data procedure delegates for insert and removal of targets
(Inherited from IBaseRelations<(Of <(<'TOwner, TTarget>)>)>.)
Public methodSetupDelegates(SelectPagedRelationsProcedure, SelectRelationsProcedure, InsertRelationsProcedure, RemoveRelationsProcedure)
Setup all data communication delegate methods for this Relations object

See Also