PageCommandsServices Methods Ingeniux CMS Web Services API

The PageCommandsServices type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddCloneMap
Adds a new Lingual Map between 2 pages.
Public method AddToWorkflow
Adds the given Pages to Workflow, with specified Workflow Definition.
Public method Advance
Advances a Page in Workflow via specified transition.
Public method Assign
Assigned a list of Pages to specified User or Group
Public method CheckIn
Checks in specified Pages, which publish-marking information
Public method CheckOut
Checks out a list of Pages to current user
Public method Claim
Assigns a Page that is currently assigned to a User Group that current User belongs to.
Public method Delete
Deletes a list of Pages
Public method GetAllSchemas
Retrieves a list of simplified inform entries on all Schemas of the site
Public method GetEmbedDummyData
Retrieves dummy Page data based on given Schema. This operation is used to find out what the Page created from a Schema be like, without creating an actual Page.
Public method Code example GetFullLingualMaps
Retrieves the complete lingual map information for the specified page
Public method Code example GetGlobalVariables
Retrieves the collection of names of Global Variables. Divided to Static variables and Dynamic variables
Public method GetPageData
Get Page detailed data.
Public method GetPageTranslationData
Retrieves a clone Page's page data together with the page data of its master Page.
Public method GetPageVersion
Retrieves the content of a Page's specific version, also specifies whether to produce diffing results.
Public method GetVersionHistory
Retrieve the list of version summary information the given Page has
Public method MassAdvance
Advances multiple Pages that are at the Workstates that have the specified transition available.
Public method QuickSearchPage
Search Pages by the initial characters in their names
Public method RemoveCloneMap
Removes a Lingual Map which has the Clone Page's Id matching given clone Id.
Public method RemoveFromWorkflow
Removes Pages from their current Workflow
Public method Rename
Renames a Page
Public method RevertSchema

Reverts the page to its original creation schema. Only applies to pages with presentation that are origin pages of their schemas.

Public method Rollback
Rolls back the Page to its previous version. After rolling back, Page will keep it current version number, but its content was changed to the previous version's content; and it will be in checked in state.
Public method Save
Saves a Page with updated content.
Public method SaveNewSchemaFromPage

Creates a new Schema based on given Page's content, only applies to Page's with presentations. If Page has no presentations, returns error status.

There are 2 Schemas with the same Root name allowed, one with Presentation, one without. Once this operation is carried out once on a Schema, it cannot be called again on the Pages with the new schema.

After the new Schema is saved, the Page used to create this Schema will be used the new schema instead of its previous one. All other Pages using the previous schema will not be affected.

Public method SendMail
Sends an email out, using the Ingeniux CMS site mail settings. The email message will be plain text.
Public method Code example SerializeOnCheckIn
Sets the SerializeOnCheckIn property on the page. It will generate an xID.xml file in the v9 xml root on check in.
Public method UndoCheckout
Abandons all changes made in the Check out version of Page, change Page state back to Checked in.
Public method UpdatePageSchema
Update the Schema of the Page based on current Page content, only applies to Page's with presentations. If Page has no presentations, returns error status.
See Also
