Retrieves the on-going Publishing Task and Replication Tasks status, also the pending publishing tasks and recently completed publishes.
Namespace: IngeniuxCMService
Assembly: IngeniuxCMService (in IngeniuxCMService.dll) Version: 9.0.565.0 (9.0.565)
Return Value
Type: XHRServiceResponseGenericCurrentPublishingModelNewCurrent publishing status object
{ "code": 0, "error": null, "message": { "PendingItemsCount": 0, "Publishing": { "EstimatedStartTime": "", "ID": "TaskMonitor_PublishingTargets\/1", "IsFullPublish": true, "Name": "Live Monitor", "PagesCount": 15, "PubTargetName": "Live", "RootPageID": "x2", "SubmitTime": "20140128T19:35:38", "SubmitUserID": "INGENIUX\\awang", "WaitingForSync": false, "AverageMilliSecondsPerPage": 0, "AveragePagesPerSecond": 0, "CurrentStatus": "Copying \"Prebuilt\" directory", "Errors": null, "EstimatedEndTime": "", "Inactive": false, "PagesPublished": 0, "PercentCompleted": 1157, "StartTime": "20140128T19:35:38", "TasksCount": 0, "UpdateTime": "20140128T11:35:39" }, "RecentCompletedPublishes": [{ "AveragePagePublishMillis": 0, "CompletionTime": "20140127T10:18:18", "Entries": [{ "Error": "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.\u000d\u000aParameter name: size", "PageID": "", "Success": false, "SuccessMessage": "Failed" }], "Error": "", "Incremental": null, "PublishedPages": [""], "PublishingTargetID": "PublishingTargets\/1", "PublishingTargetName": "Live", "ReplicationCompletionTime": "", "ReplicationsToPerform": 0, "StartTime": "2014-01-27 10:18:18", "TotalPagesPublished": 0, "TotalTimeSeconds": 0, "UserID": "INGENIUX\\awang", "UserName": "Turtle Master" }], "Replications": { "Tasks": [] } } }
See Also