Configuring SMTP Settings

Prerequisites: Users require site administrator permissions to complete this task.

Cartella must have access to a network SMTP server when a user account is created and when a user requests a new password.

If the SMTP information is incorrect, users cannot receive system-generated passwords and cannot log in.
To configure SMTP Settings:
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Configuration Management > Email.
  3. Click SMTP to expand the entry.

    Manage SMTP

  4. Choose one of the following options from the Delivery Method drop-down field in the General Settings area.

    Sends the email via the network to the SMTP server. Configures the network options.

    SpecifiedPickupDeliveryCopies email to the directory specified by the PickupDirectoryLocation property for delivery by an external application. Configures the local directory.
    PickupDirectoryFromlisCopies email to the pickup directory used by local Internet Information Services (IIS) for delivery.
    See Microsoft .NET Documentation: SMTP Element for details about these delivery methods and configuring SMTP network settings.
  5. Enter values in the following fields in the General Settings area.
    FromEmail that Cartella uses to send email notifications and password resets.


    Pickup Directory LocationFilepath to the email pickup directory data.

    Example: [Site_Root]\app_data\EmailPickup\

  6. Select or clear the Use Network Credentials checkbox in the Network Credentials area.
  7. Enter values in the following fields in the Network Credentials area.
    Client DomainName of the SMTP client.
    Target NameName of the target output.
    HostName of the host for the network.

    Example: localhost

    PortPort number.

    Example: 25

    UsernameCartella username associated with the network for email.
    PasswordPassword for the provided Cartella user account.
  8. Select or clear the Enable SSL checkbox in the Network Credentials area.
  9. Click Save Changes.
    Cartella saves the SMTP settings.