Moving Taxonomy Categories

Users can move categories within the Taxonomy Tree. Moving categories under different parents in the Taxonomy Tree will update the category path.


Categories always display in alphabetical, ascending order within the Taxonomy Tree. If users move categories, the move updates the hierarchical placement of the category.

Moving Category via Cut and Paste Steps

Version Notes: CMS 10.6

This feature is exclusive to CMS 10.6. See CMS Statistics to check your site version.

To move categories via cut and paste:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Taxonomy.
  2. Right-click the category you want to move, and select Cut in the context menu.

    To multi-select categories to move, press CRTL+Click or SHIFT+Click before selecting Cut.

    Cut Category

  3. Right-click the category that will serve as the parent for the cut category, and select Paste in the context menu.

    Paste Category

    The category displays in the new location.

    Moved Category

Moving Category via Drag and Drop Steps

  1. Navigate to Administration > Taxonomy.
  2. Click the icon of the category you want move, and drag the selected category to the category that will serve as the parent.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6

    To multi-select categories to move, press CRTL+Click or SHIFT+Click. This functionality is exclusive to CMS 10.6.

    Drag and Drop Category

    A box border displays around the category that will serve as the parent. When you drop the category, the system registers the category move to the new location under the new parent.

    Moved Category