Permissions on CMS Assets

Administrators can grant user groups the ability to manage asset items by assigning them the following permissions:

See Creating Groups for details to give permissions. See Group Permissions Reference for details about all permissions.

Permissions on asset manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to asset manipulations.

  • Allowed to work with asset system: If selected, group members can access the assets manager.
  • Allowed to edit asset metadata: If selected, group members can edit metadata in the assets manager.
  • Allowed to delete assets: If selected, group members can delete assets from the assets manager.
  • Allowed to check in assets and asset folders assigned to others: If selected, group members can check in assets and asset folders that are assigned to other users.
  • Allowed to rollback assets: If selected, group members can rollback assets.
  • Allowed to assign assets and asset folders assigned to others: If selected, group members can assign assets and asset folders to other users.
  • Allowed to create assets: If selected, group members can create new assets.
  • Allowed to check in/check out assets and asset folders: If selected, group members can check in and check out assets and their folders.

Permissions on asset content viewing and manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to viewing and modifying assets.

  • Allowed to edit asset file content: If selected, group members can edit assets such as text files, XML files, code, etc.
  • Allowed to see asset history: If selected, group members can view asset history.

Permissions on Assets Tree manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to modifying the Assets Tree.

  • Allowed to see the assets tree: Enables group members to view the assets tree in the CMS client.
  • Allowed to manage asset folders: If selected, group members can execute tasks such as moving an asset folder within the Assets Tree.
  • Allowed to reorder assets and folders in the assets tree that are assigned to others: Enables group members to relocate assets assigned to other users. If group members with this permission have full access to the beginning and ending location of a given asset in the Assets Tree, they can move another user's asset to a new location in the Assets Tree.

Permissions on publishing of assets: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to publishing assets.

  • Allowed to mark and unmark assets for publishing: If selected, group users can mark and unmark assets for publishing.
  • Allowed to publish assets only: If selected, group users can publish assets without their associated pages or components.

Permissions on workflow with assets: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to workflow.

  • Allowed to add assets to, and remove pages from, workflow: Enables group members to add an asset to, or remove an asset from, a workflow.
  • Allowed to transition assets in workflow that are assigned to others: Enables group members to move an asset assigned to another user to the next workstate in a workflow.

Permissions on taxonomy system: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to taxonomy.

  • Allowed to categorize pages and components: Enables the Categorize tab for group members.
  • Allowed to categorize assets: If selected, group users can assign taxonomy terms to assets.
  • Allowed to manage taxonomy system: Enables the Taxonomy tab for group members.

Miscellaneous: Assigns or removes the following block of miscellaneous permissions.

  • Allowed to have system administrator privileges & change all system settingsEnables group members to modify and configure site-specific settings such as adding users, user groups, creating workflows, etc.
    Enabling this permission for a group keeps all permissions enabled. If you need to update a group to limit certain permissions, be sure to clear this checkbox first.
  • Allowed to use "Find and Replace" utilities: Enables group members to use the find and replace function at Administration > Find and Replace.
  • Allowed to manage schemas: Enables group members to access Schema Designer in the Administration pane.