IPublishingTarget Interface |
Namespace: Ingeniux.CMS
The IPublishingTarget type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Archived |
Gets the archived value of this entity
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
Created |
Gets the entity's creation date.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
CreationUser |
Gets the ID of the User who created this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
EnableDynamicPublishing | Obsolete.
Gets/sets whether Dynamic Publishing is enabled for this Publishing Target.
| |
ExcludedDirectories |
Gets/sets the asset directories that will be excluded during publish. Any files in these directories will not be copied to the target location.
| |
ExcludedFiles |
Gets/sets the asset files that will be excluded during publish.
| |
ExcludeLingualMaps |
Gets/sets whether to exclude lingual maps, during publishing and preview
| |
ExternalPreviewUrl |
Gets/sets the URL for previewing Pages with this Publishing Target on the Ingeniux CMS user interface.
| |
GlobalContentRoot | ||
IceFieldMarkupUpdateUrl |
Gets/sets the URL for providing markup feedback upon updating a Page's Element value,
via In-Context Editing or Page Builder.
| |
LastAssetPublishDate |
Gets the time when this publishing target last performed an asset only publish.
The property returns null if this publishing target never published assets only.
| |
LastModified |
Gets the date when the entity was most recently modified.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
LastModifiedUser |
Gets the ID of the User who lasted edited the entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
LastPublishDate |
Gets the time when this publishing target last performed a publish.
The property returns null if this publishing target never published.
| |
Manager |
Gets the manager that retrieved this entity instance.
(Inherited from IEntityTManager.) | |
MVCRenderingForMFO |
Gets/sets whether to support MVC rendering in MFO publishing
| |
Name |
Gets and sets the entity's name.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
PresentationFormatter |
Gets/sets the full class name of the formatter for presentations formatting on this Publishing Target.
| |
Profile |
Gets/sets the Publishing Profile to which this Publishing Target belongs.
| |
PublishFolder |
Gets/sets the full physical path of the folder to which content is published.
| |
PublishingSystemSecurity |
Gets/sets the security settings for this publishing target.
| |
RelativePublishFolder |
Gets the name of the folder to which content is published. It is located under the pub folder.
| |
RootPage |
Gets/sets the root Page for this target.
Pages (not components) must be under this root page in order to be marked for publish. Only marked-for-publish pages under this page will be published.
| |
Session |
Gets the session that retrieved this entity. An entity is always session-specific.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
SessionId |
Gets the unique ID of the session that retrieved this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
SiteSearchString |
Gets/sets the search string for site branding. This setting only applies when theTransform property is true,
since transforms on publishes behave very similarly to a browser request on a page at runtime.
| |
SURLSettings |
Gets/sets the structured URL settings for this publishing target.
| |
Transform |
Gets/sets whether to fully expand the Pages and apply XSLT style sheets during publishing.
Set this property to true for publishing to non–Dynamic Site Server content locations.
| |
UseExternalPreviewUrl | Obsolete.
Gets/sets whether the Publishing Target uses an external preview URL.
| |
UserAgentSearchString |
Gets/sets the search string for the User Agent. This setting only applies when the Transform property is true,
transforms on publishes behave very similarly to a browser request on a page at runtime.
Name | Description | |
AssetMap |
Retrieves the Asset Map for this publishing target.
| |
CanMarkContentItemT |
Checks whether a content item can be marked for publish on this
Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
CanMarkPage |
Checks whether a Page can be marked on this publishing target.
| |
MarkContentItemForPublishT |
Marks or unmarks a Content Item
for publish on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
Marked(String) |
Checks whether the Page specified is marked on this publishing target.
| |
Marked(IPage) |
Checks whether the specified Page is marked on this publishing target.
| |
MarkedT(T) |
Checks whether a Content Item
is marked on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
MarkedContentItemCountT |
Retrieves the count of all marked Content Items
of specific type
on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
MarkedContentItemsT |
Retrieves all marked Content Item Versions
on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
MarkedOnContentItemCurrentVersionT |
Checks whether the current version of a Content Item
is marked for publish on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
MarkedOnContentItemVersionT |
Checks whether a Content Item Version,
is marked on this Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItemMarking.) | |
MarkedOnPageCurrentVersion |
Checks whether the specified Page is marked for publish on its current checked-in version.
| |
MarkedOnPageVersion | ||
MarkedPages |
Retrieves the collection of Page Versions that are marked on this publishing target.
| |
MarkedPagesCount |
Gets the count of Pages marked on this Publishing Target on any version.
| |
MarkedVersionForContentItem |
Retrieves the marked Version
of a specified Content Item
on this publishing target
| |
MarkedVersionForPage(String) |
Retrieves the marked version number of the Page with a specified ID.
| |
MarkedVersionForPage(IPage) | ||
MarkPageForPublish |
Marks or unmarks a Page to publish, on a specified version number, on this publishing target.
| |
PendingPublishes |
Retrieves the collection of pending Publishing Tasks issued by this Publishing Target.
| |
PropagateVersion(IAsset) |
Sets the marked version to current version on an
Asset | |
PropagateVersion(IAssetFolder) |
Sets the marked version to current version on all descendant
Assets under a Asset Folder.
| |
PropagateVersion(IPage, Boolean) |
Sets the marked version to current version on a
| |
Publish | Performs a publish on this publishing target, including all Pages marked on this target as candidates to be published. For a non-Transform-on-publish target, this action creates XML files for pages and components marked for this target; generates all metadata files needed for the Dynamic Site Server; and copies all updated assets. For a Transform-on-publish target, Pages will be fully expanded and XSLT transformed, then saved to target folder in a structural format. Updated assets are also copied. | |
PublishAssets | Performs publishes on multiple Asset items, or together with their descendants, toward this publishing target. For a non-Transform-on-publish target, this action creates XML files for pages and components marked for publishing on this target; generates all metadata files needed for the Dynamic Site Server; and copies over all updated assets. For a Transform-on-publish target, Pages are fully expanded and XSLT transformed, then saved to target folder in a structured format. Updated assets are also copied over. | |
PublishPages | Performs publishes on multiple root Pages, or together with their descendants, toward this publishing target. For a non-Transform-on-publish target, this action creates XML files for pages and components marked for publishing on this target; generates all metadata files needed for the Dynamic Site Server; and copies over all updated assets. For a Transform-on-publish target, Pages are fully expanded and XSLT transformed, then saved to target folder in a structured format. Updated assets are also copied over. | |
Replicator |
Retrieves the Replicator object, which is in charge of performing replication tasks.
| |
RepublishAssets |
Performs publish on an Asset,
or descendants of an Asset Folder.
| |
RepublishPage | Performs publish on a Page, or the page and its descendants, towards this publishing target. For a non-Transform-on-publish target, this action creates XML files for pages and components marked for this target; generates all metadata files needed for the Dynamic Site Server; and copies over all updated assets. For a Transform-on-publish target, Pages will be fully expanded and XSLT transformed, then saved to target folder in a structured format. Updated assets are also copied over. | |
SerializeForReports |
Override for Serialize that uses legacy version numbering.
| |
SetRelativePublishFolder |
Set the relative pub folder
| |
Touch |
Updated the entity's LastModified value to the current time.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
UrlMap |
Retrieves the URL Map for this publishing target.
| |
ValidateData |
Validates this entity's data. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
ValidateUserPermission |
Validates the user permission on the current entity. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
It is called automatically upon saving an entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) |
Name | Description | |
AfterEntitySave |
This event is fired after a Entity object is saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.) | |
AfterPublishingTargetMarkForPublishChange |
This event is fired after any Publishing Target is marked for publish, unmarked for publish, or has its marking version changed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.) | |
BeforeEntitySave |
This event is fired before any Entity object is about to be saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.) | |
BeforePublish |
This event is fired before a Publishing Task is submitted.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.) | |
BeforePublishingTargetMarkForPublishChange |
This event is fired before any Publishing Target is marked for publish, unmarked for publish, or has its marking version changed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.) | |
Published |
This event is fired after a Publishing Task is completed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.) |
<PublishingTarget ID="PublishingTargets/1" Name="Production" PublishFolder="production" RootPageID="x2" UserAgentSearchString="" SiteSearchString="" Transform="false" ReplicationTarget="" ReplicationTargetModule="" LastPublishDate="20140314T23:49:39" UseStructuredURL="true" HomePageID="x11" NotFoundID="x722" URLExtension="" URLSeparator="-" ForceLowerCaseURL="true" AutoRedirectCanonicalURL="true" IncludeFoldersInURL="false" NormalizeURLSeparators="true" BaseURL="http://services1.ingeniux.com/centraulv75rt/" UseExternalPreviewURL="true" DynamicPublishing="true" ExternalPreviewURL="/cms80/DssPreview/IGXDynamicPreview" ICEFieldMarkupUpdateURL="/cms80/DssPreview/IGXDTICEUpdate" GlobalContentRoot=""> <Replication DoReplication="false" SimultaneousReplication="false"/> <Page ID="x2" Version="0"/> <Page ID="x11" Version="2"/> <Page ID="x37" Version="0"/> </PublishingTarget>