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IScpReplicationTarget Interface

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IScpReplicationTarget : IReplicationTarget, 
	IEntity<IPublishingManager>, IEntity, IEntityEvents

The IScpReplicationTarget type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArchived
Gets the archived value of this entity
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyCreated
Gets the entity's creation date.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyCreationUser
Gets the ID of the User who created this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets and sets the detailed description of this target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyDisabled
Gets and sets whether this target is disabed. Disabled targets cannot perform replications.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyLastModified
Gets the date when the entity was most recently modified.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyLastModifiedUser
Gets the ID of the User who lasted edited the entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyManager
Gets the manager that retrieved this entity instance.
(Inherited from IEntityTManager.)
Public propertyName
Gets and sets the entity's name.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyPassword
Public propertyPort
Public propertyPostReplicationCommand
Gets and sets the commands that are executed after replication on this target. Use standard Command Prompts (DOS) command syntax.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyPostReplicationCommandTimeout
Gets and sets the timeout (in seconds) for PostReplicationCommand.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyPreReplicationCommand
Gets and sets the commands that are executed before replication on this target. Uses standard Command Prompts (DOS) command syntax.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyPreReplicationCommandTimeout
Gets and sets the timeout (in seconds) for PreReplicationCommand.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyPublishingTargetDirectory
Gets the full path of the Publishing Target Folder to which this replication target belongs.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyReplicating
Gets whether this target is currently performing a replication.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyRepTaskDetails
Gets the details of the last-completed replication.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyRepTaskMonitor
Gets the Monitor object that tracks an ongoing replication. This object will stick around.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyRootPath
Public propertySession
Gets the session that retrieved this entity. An entity is always session-specific.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertySessionId
Gets the unique ID of the session that retrieved this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyTargetAddress
Public propertyCode exampleType
Gets the full Type name of the target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyUseCommands
Gets and sets whether to execute the PreReplicationCommand and PostReplicationCommand.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public propertyUserName
Public methodAddAdditionalLocation
Adds a new Additional Location to this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodAddCleanupExemption
Adds a new Cleanup Exempt Location to this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodAddExemptLocation
Adds a new Exempt Location to this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodAdditionalLocations
Retrieves the collection of Additional Locations for this replication target, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodAdditionalLocationsCount
Gets the count of Additional Locations for this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodCancelReplication
Cancels an ongoing replication and updates the Task Monitor to the cancelled state.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodCleanReplicate
Performs a replication that removes all Files from the replication destination that no longer exist in the Publishing Target Folder.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodCleanupExemptLocations
Retrieves the collection of Cleanup Exempt Locations for this replication target, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodCleanupExemptLocationsCount
Gets the count of Cleanup Exempt Locations for this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodClearExemptionAndAdditionalLocations
Removes all Exempt, Additional and Cleanup Exempt locations.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodExemptLocations
Retrieves the collection of Exempt Locations for this Replication Target, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodExemptLocationsCount
Gets the count of Exempt Locations for this replication target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodReplicate
Performs replication on this target.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodSetExclusiveReplicateItems
Sets the files to be replicated, besides the Additional Locations. Once this method is called, these are the only files from the Publishing Target Folder that will be replicated.
(Inherited from IReplicationTarget.)
Public methodTouch
Updated the entity's LastModified value to the current time.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public methodValidateData
Validates this entity's data. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public methodValidateUserPermission
Validates the user permission on the current entity. Implemented by concrete inheriting types. It is called automatically upon saving an entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public eventAfterEntitySave
This event is fired after a Entity object is saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.)
Public eventBeforeEntitySave
This event is fired before any Entity object is about to be saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.)
See Also