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IComponentElement Interface

Represents a Component Element, that either refers to a specific component, or embed the component content within.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IComponentElement : IElement

The IComponentElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoEmbed
Gets whether to automatically create embedded component, upon page creation. When true, will use the first existing Schema specified by the CompTypes. Will not be effective if Component is already set, or not valid schema in CompTypes.
Public propertyEmbedContent
Gets the embedded content, null if component is not embedded
Public propertyEmbedded
Gets if the element has embedded content or not
Public propertyExpanded
Gets and sets the Element's field on Edit Form as showing its full details. This value only applies to the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyHidden
Gets and sets the Element as hidden on the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyIndexable
Gets and sets the field's ability to be indexed for in site search.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyIsXpower
Gets if the Element is a Xpower element, a special Ingeniux CMS Element that executes at runtime (or fully expanded publishing).
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyLabel
Gets and sets the label (friendly name) of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyName
Gets and sets the name of Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyReadonly
Gets and sets the Element as read-only on the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyRequired
Gets sets the Element's value as required. Pages containing required Elements with empty values cannot be checked in.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyType
Gets the type of Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyUniqueID
Gets the unique ID of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyValue
Gets and sets the value of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyWrappedUp
Gets/sets if the element is wrapped up in expanded xml
Public methodAddAllowedComponentType
Adds a new allowed component type.
Public methodAllowAllComponentTypes
Clear allowed component types list and allow all component types
Public methodAllowedComponentTypes
Gets the allowed component schemas. Component can only refer/embed components with schema in this list.
Public methodClone
Clones the current element and returns a new element. The cloned element usesthe name provided.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public methodEmbed(IPage, Boolean)
Embeds a component. The component can be an existing Page object or newly creately that hasn't been save to Content Store yet. For an component created from scratch, "Id" attributes will be empty, since the embedded component doesn't need its own identification.
Public methodEmbed(IPageVersion, Boolean)
Embeds a component. The component can be an existing Page Version object or newly creately that hasn't been save to Content Store yet. For an component Page Version created from scratch, "Id" attributes will be empty, since the embedded component doesn't need its own identification.
Public methodRemoveAllowedComponentType
Removes an existing allowed component type.
Public methodRemoveEmbed
Unembed the content off the component, and restore it to old component reference mode. It doesn't share the embedded content out.
Public methodShare
Unembeds the content off the component and turn it into an actual Page object and place it under the given root.
Public methodShareBack
Unembeds the content off the component and save it back to the original component. This process requires the embedded/override content to have the same schema as the its original component.
See Also