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ISiteMap Interface

Represents the manager object that manages the XSLT rendering branding system. It add entries to, removes entries from, and updates ISiteBranding and IUserAgent.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface ISiteMap : ITransactionalEntity, 

The ISiteMap type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentStore
Gets the Content Store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Gets the Operating User for the Session .
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertySession
Gets the User Session that this manager instance was initiated from.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodAddSite
Adds a new site branding to a collection.
Public methodAddUserAgent
Adds a new user agent branding to a collection.
Public methodDeepCloneT, TManager
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodQuickWrite
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction. This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodRemoveSite
Removes a site branding from a collection.
Public methodRemoveUserAgent
Removes a user agent branding from a collection.
Public methodReorderSites
Reorders site branding with given order of user agent names.
Public methodReorderUserAgents
Reorders user agent branding with given order of user agent names.
Public methodSite
Gets a site branding by its name.
Public methodSites
Gets a paginated list of site brandings.
Public methodUpdateSite
Updates content of a site branding instance.
Public methodUpdateUserAgent
Updates content of a user agent branding instance.
Public methodUserAgent
Gets a user agent branding by its name
Public methodUserAgents
Gets a paginated list of user agents.

Like all manager objects, instances of this manager are retrieved from an IUserSession object, and it only works within this session.

using (IUserSession session = store.OpenReadSession(currentUser))
    ISiteMap siteMap= session.SiteMap;
See Also