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INavigationElement Interface

Represents the types of XPower elements that produce a collection of Navigation elements during runtime or publishing expansion. A Navigation element queries each page it covers and produces a Page element with a set of attributes that summarizes the page's content.

The highly organized and highly flexible Navigation elements are a central part of the Ingeniux CMS.

The amount of information to summarize from page content is decided by the combination of global exports and local exports. Local exports override global exports with same name. Therefore, all Navigation element types can have local exports.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface INavigationElement : IElement

The INavigationElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExpanded
Gets and sets the Element's field on Edit Form as showing its full details. This value only applies to the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyHidden
Gets and sets the Element as hidden on the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyIndexable
Gets and sets the field's ability to be indexed for in site search.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyIsXpower
Gets if the Element is a Xpower element, a special Ingeniux CMS Element that executes at runtime (or fully expanded publishing).
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyLabel
Gets and sets the label (friendly name) of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyLocalExports
Gets the element's local exports.
Public propertyName
Gets and sets the name of Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyReadonly
Gets and sets the Element as read-only on the Edit Form.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyRequired
Gets sets the Element's value as required. Pages containing required Elements with empty values cannot be checked in.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyType
Gets the type of Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyUniqueID
Gets the unique ID of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public propertyValue
Gets and sets the value of the Element.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public methodClone
Clones the current element and returns a new element. The cloned element usesthe name provided.
(Inherited from IElement.)

It is highly recommended to use gloabal exports whenever possible, because using local exports is much slower. An exception is when override is desired on global export entries, or you are trying to query expanded Link elements.


Each Navigation element's page output will look something like the following example:

<Page ID="x454" URL="about-us/news-and-events/motorola-employees-credit-union-selects-ingeniux"
  Name="Motorola Employees Credit Union Selects Ingeniux"
  Abstract="MECU Licenses Ingeniux CMS to Power Internet and Intranet sites" Title="Motorola Employees Credit Union Selects Ingeniux CMS" />
See Also