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ITaxonomyManagerSerializeAssociations Method

Returns the XML presentation of taxonomy associations.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
XElement SerializeAssociations()

Return Value

Type: XElement
The XML presentation of taxonomy associations.
The output matches the TaxonomyAssociations.xml file in previous-generation CMS sites but doesn't include change information on the root element.
Below is an example of output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Definition Description="The Association between category and page" FullName="Association" TagName="A" />
  <Definition Description="The category id" FullName="CategoryID" TagName="C" />
  <Definition Description="The page XID associated with certain category" FullName="Page XID" TagName="P" />
  <Definition Description="Last Updated Date" FullName="LastUpdatedDate" TagName="LUD" />
  <Definition Description="Last Update User" FullName="LastUpdateUser" TagName="LUU" />
  <A C="Categories/132" P="x27" LUU="ingeniux\awang" LUD="20081215T11:48:05" />
  <A C="Categories/130" P="x34" LUU="ingeniux\awang" LUD="20081215T11:48:09" />
  <A C="Categories/131" P="x35" LUU="ingeniux\awang" LUD="20081215T11:48:18" />
See Also