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IListStep Interface

Represents the information of a step/task entry in a background task to be monitored. This step has a collection of substeps.

Substeps need not have a particular order. List steps can advance from one step to any other step.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IListStep : IStepWithWeight, 

The IListStep type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the count of substeps.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the step.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public propertyError
Gets the error message of the step.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public propertyID
Gets the identifier of the step.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the step.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public propertyOngoingStep
Gets the ongoing substep. Returns null if this step is not started.
Public propertyPercentCompleted
Gets the percentage of substeps that are in the COMPLETED state.
Public propertyState
Gets the state of the step.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public propertyStepsCompleted
Gets the number of substeps that are on COMPLETED state.
Public propertyWeight
Gets the weight of this step.
(Inherited from IStepWithWeight.)
Public methodAdd
Adds a new sub step.
Public methodAdvanceStep
Advance to the specified target step. Target step can be in any state, even a completed state. The specified step is the Ongoing Step. Its state is marked as ON_GOING. If the list step itself hasn't started, it will be started. Otherwise, the ongoing step is marked as COMPLETED.
Public methodBegin
Changes the step's state to ON_GOING.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public methodClear
Clears substeps.
Public methodComplete
Changes the step's state to COMPLETED.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public methodCompleteWithError
Changes the step's state to COMPLETED, but includes an error message; this is not a successful completion.
(Inherited from IStep.)
Public methodRemove
Removes a substep.
Public methodStep(Int32)
Retrieves a substep by its order index.
Public methodStep(String)
Retrieves a substep by its unique ID.
Public methodSteps
Retrieves the substeps of this step.
See Also