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IAssetManager Interface

Represents the manager object that provide means to query and manage Assets and Asset Folders.

This interface is inherited by ISite interface.

Like all manager objects, instances of this manager are retrieved from an IUserSession object and only work within that session.

using (IUserSession session = store.OpenReadSession(currentUser))
    ISite site = session.Site;

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IAssetManager : ITransactionalEntity, 
	IDisposable, IAssetManagerEvents, IAssetStorageManager

The IAssetManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentStore
Gets the Content Store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Gets the Operating User for the Session .
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertySession
Gets the User Session that this manager instance was initiated from.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodAsset
Retrieves an Asset by its unique ID.
Public methodAssetByPath
Retrieves an asset by its full path
Public methodAssetFolder
Retrieves a asset folder by its unique ID.
Public methodAssetFolderByPath
Retrieves an asset folder by its full path
Public methodAssetFolders
Retrieves a collection of asset folders by their unique IDs.
Public methodAssetItem
Retrieve an Asset or Asset Folder by its unique ID
Public methodAssetItems
Retrieves a collection of assets by their unique IDs.
Public methodAssetRegionRoots
Retrieves the Asset Items that have Locales set and not Inheriting Locale from their ancestors, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodAssetRootFolders
Retrieves a collection of the Asset Folders at the top level of the asset tree.
Public methodAssets(IEnumerableString)
Retrieves a collection of Assets by their unique IDs.
Public methodCode exampleAssets(FuncIAsset, Boolean)

Retrieves a collection of Assets, pre-filtered through a function. e.g. a function to filter assets that have the jpg extension.

Public methodAssets(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves the collection of all Assets, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodAssetsBySchemas
Retrieves assets created using a specified list of asset schemas.
Public methodCopyAsset
Creates a copy of an Asset into a target Asset Folder.
Public methodCopyAssetFolder
Creates a copy of an Asset Folder in a specified asset folder.
Public methodCopyRegionRootAssetItem
Clones an Asset Item that is set as a region root.
Public methodCreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, Stream, Boolean)
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema.
Public methodCreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema with an external URL rather than an uploaded file.
Public methodCreateAssetFolder
Creates a new Asset Folder in a specified parent folder.
Public methodCreateAssetRootFolder
Creates a new Asset Folder at the top level of the asset tree.
Public methodCrossLocaleCopyAssetItem
Public methodCurrentVersionFilesCount
Calculates the current version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodDeepCloneT, TManager
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodEmptyAssetRecyleFolder
Permanently removes all Asset Items in the asset recycle folder.
Public methodMoveAsset
Moves an asset from its current location to a new target Asset Folder.
Public methodMoveAssetFolder
Moves an Asset Folder together with its descendants to the specified target location.
Public methodPreviousVersionsFilesCount
Calculated the previous version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodPreviousVersionsStorageSpace
Calculates the total storage space of previous versions across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodQuickWrite
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction. This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodRecycleAssetFolder
Retrieves the Recycle Folder of the AssetManager Instance.
Public methodRelatedAssets
Retrieves assets that are related to a specified asset.
Public methodRemoveAsset
Removes a single Asset by ID.
Public methodRemoveAssetFolder
Removes a single Asset Folder by ID.
Public methodStorageTrack
Retrieves the storage tracking information of an Asset type/schema
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodStorageTracks
Retrieves all storage tracks
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodTotalStorageSpace
Calculates the total storage space across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public eventAfterAssetCopy
This event is fired after an Asset is copied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAfterAssetCrossLocaleCopy
This event is fired after an Asset is copied from one Region Root to another.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAfterAssetDelete
This event is fired after an Asset is removed.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAfterAssetMove
This event is fired after an Asset is moved.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAfterAssetRegionRootCopy
This event is fired after a Region Root is copied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAfterEmptyAssetRecycleFolder
This event is fired before the asset recycle folder is emptied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAssetCreated
This event is fired when a new Asset is created.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventAssetFileUpdated
This method is invoked after an edit to an Asset File is saved.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeAssetCopy
This event is fired before an Asset to be copied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeAssetCrossLocaleCopy
This event is fired before an Asset is copied from one Region Root to another.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeAssetDelete
This event is fired before an Asset is moved to Recycle Folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeAssetMove
This event is fired before an Asset is moved.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeAssetRegionRootCopy
This event is fired before a Region Root is copied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
Public eventBeforeEmptyAssetRecycleFolder
This event is fired before the asset recycle folder is emptied.
(Inherited from IAssetManagerEvents.)
See Also