IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion Properties |
The IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion generic type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
_Locale |
Gets/sets the locale name of this object, if this object
has language property
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AdminRightsEnabled |
Gets and sets whether the content item has admin rights enabled. Admin rights will allow actions to the item that cannot normally be done by the user whose session is processing the request.
(Inherited from IContentItemWorkflowSuper.) | |
Archived |
Gets the archived value of this entity
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
AssignedGroup |
Gets the Group to which this page is currently assigned. If the page is not assigned to a group, this method returns null.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssignedUser |
Gets the User to whom this page is currently assigned. If the page is not assigned to a user, this method returns null.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssignmentComment |
Gets the comments from assignments when the page was not in workflow.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CanMarkForPublish |
Controls whether the page is allowed to mark for publish.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CanParentRegionRoots |
Gets and sets whether this content item allows region roots (content items with a noninherited locale) when the content item isn't language-neutral.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckedOut |
Gets whether this page is checked out. A page has to be checked out to a specific User to be edited.
A page's checked-out content is subject to modification by the assigned User.
These modifications can only be published if the page is checked in.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Comments |
Gets/sets the comment of this version.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.)Comments are set during check-in of a IContentItemContent Item .However, it can be changed anytime afterwards. | |
ContentItemType | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Created |
Gets the entity's creation date.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
CreationUser |
Gets the ID of the User who created this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
CurrentWorkflow |
Gets the workflow this page is in. If page is not in a workflow, this method returns null.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Date |
Gets the date and time when this version was last changed.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
EndDate |
Gets and sets the end date of the page. When set, this page will not be included in navigations when current time is greater than the EndDate value.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Hierarchy | Obsolete. (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Icon |
Gets and sets the icon of the page. The value is the numeric representation of the icon images.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
InWorkflowTransition |
Gets and sets whether the content item is being accessed within the bounds of a workflow transition.
(Inherited from IContentItemWorkflowSuper.) | |
JustSynced |
Gets whether the page's content was updated via Schema synchronization and hasn't yet been modified directly.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
LastModified |
Gets the date when the entity was most recently modified.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
LastModifiedUser |
Gets the ID of the User who lasted edited the entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
LastVersion |
Gets the most-recent previous version. It is the version before this page was last checked in.
| |
Locale |
Gets and sets the language of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
LocaleInherited |
Gets whether this page inherits its locale from its ancestor page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Manager |
Gets the manager that retrieved this entity instance.
(Inherited from IEntityTManager.) | |
MasterLingualMap |
Gets the lingual map between this page and its Master Page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Name |
Gets and sets the entity's name.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
NowSyncing |
Gets whether the page is currently being synchronized to the latest version of the Schema used to create it.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ParentId |
Gets the unique ID of the parent object
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Removed |
Gets whether the page is under Removed status, which means it is currently a descendant of the Recycle Folder.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Schema |
Gets the Schema from which this page is based on.
| |
SchemaName |
Gets the root name of the Schema, which is also the root element name of this version's serialized XML document.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
SchemaVersion |
Gets the Schema Version which with this page is synchronized.
Note that if the schema has not been updated and or sychronized to this page, the page will be on a older version of the schema.
| |
SecurityDescriptor |
Gets the security descriptor of this content item
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityInherited |
Gets whether this content item has security inherited from
its parent
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Session |
Gets the session that retrieved this entity. An entity is always session-specific.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
SessionId |
Gets the unique ID of the session that retrieved this entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
SiblingPosition |
Gets the position of this object among its siblings
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
StartDate |
Gets and sets the start date of the page. When set, this page will not be included in navigations when current time is less than the StartDate value.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
VersionNumber |
Gets the version number of this version.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) |