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IPageMobilePresentation Interface

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS.Presentation
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IPageMobilePresentation : IPagePresentation

The IPageMobilePresentation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentContainerId
Gets/sets the id of the container element, that holds the rendering of this presentation
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public propertyLayout
Gets the layout of the presentation, which is colletion of Layout Rows.
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public propertyName
Gets/sets the name of the presentation
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public propertyUserAgentSearchString
Public methodColumns
Retrieves all layout columns that are placed under this presentation.
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public methodContentUnits
Retrieves all content unit instances that are placed under this presentation.
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public methodFormat
Produces the final HTML markup, on the specified Page Version, with specified Presentation Formatter
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public methodRows
Retrieves all layout rows that are placed under this presentation.
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
Public methodSerializeForPage
Produces XML element that will be injected into a published xml document of the a Page it belongs to
(Inherited from IPagePresentation.)
See Also