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ISchemaFieldResultImplementation Property

Gets the field's implementation element. Implementation elements are used to include details about the field and where it is placed in the page XML.

Implementation elements are always stored in the Declaration element of the Root element of a page's schema.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
XElement Implementation { get; }

Property Value

Type: XElement

Depending on whether the field is an attribute or an element, there are two types of implementation results:

Attribute implementation output:

<attribute type="Timeout" default="8" hidden="false" readonly="false" required="false" label="Timeout Setting" />

The "type" attribute value is the field name.

Element implementation output:

<element required="true" type="Title" readonly="false" label="Title" hidden="false"/>
<element required="false" type="xpowernavigation_AncestorNavigation" readonly="true" label="Ancestor Navigation" hidden="true" Expanded="false" StartPage="x2"
  Query="" Navigation="Ancestors" MaxNodes="" MaxDepth="" GenerationOrder="down"/>
<element required="false" type="xpowercomponent_SiteControl" readonly="true" label="Site Control" hidden="true" Component="x10" CompTypes="SiteControl"/>

Navigation element types may also contain an Exports element for local exports.

See Also