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IContentFreezeState Interface

Represents the state of Content Freeze, which only allows a limited number of users to open read/write sessions.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IContentFreezeState

The IContentFreezeState type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowedOperatingGroups
Gets the Groups that are allowed to open sessions. Among this list, only the administrators group is allowed to change the state itself.
Public propertyAllowedOperatingUserIds
Gets the ID of Users that are allowed to open sessions. Among this list, only administrators are allowed to change the state itself.
Public propertyAllowedOperatingUsers
Gets the Users that are allowed to open sessions. Among this list, only the administrators group is allowed to change the state itself.
Public propertyEndingTime
Gets the ending time of the content freeze. If set to null, content freeze will be indefinite until the state object is removed.
Public propertyInEffect
Gets whether the content freeze is in effect.
Public propertyInitiationUserId
Gets the ID of the User that started the content freeze
Public propertyLastChangeTime
The time when content freeze state was last udpated.
Public propertyLastChangeUserId
Gets the ID of the most recent User that updated the content freeze state.
Public propertyMessage
Gets the message of the content freeze.
Public propertyStartingTime
Gets the starting time of the content freeze. If set to null, content freeze will never start.
Public methodAllowUser
Checkes if the given user is allowed to make change to the content freeze state.
Public methodChange
Changes the end time and allowed user for the content freeze state. Only administrators specified as allowed users can do this.
See Also