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IReferencesManager Interface

Represents the manager object that provides a means to query and manage the Page cross references collection. The references system provides a different way to relate pages Pages in a nonorganized way. To relate pages in an organized way, the Taxonomy System is recommended solution.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public interface IReferencesManager : ITransactionalEntity, 

The IReferencesManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentStore
Gets the Content Store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Gets the Operating User for the Session .
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public propertySession
Gets the User Session that this manager instance was initiated from.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodAddReference
Adds a new reference between two Pages.
Public methodCount
Gets the count of all Reference Entries stored on all Pages.
Public methodDeepCloneT, TManager
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodGet
Retrieves all References of the specified Page. This method can query recursively on references of referenced pages, with or without crossreferences.
Public methodQuickWrite
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction. This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodRemoveReference(IPage, IPage)
Removes a Reference between two Pages.
Public methodRemoveReference(IPage, String)
Removes a Reference between two Pages.
Public methodRemoveReferences
Removes References from and/or to the specified Page.

Like all manager objects, instances of this manager are retrieved from an IUserSession object, and it only works within that session.

using (IUserSession session = store.OpenReadSession(currentUser))
       IReferencesManager referencesManager = session.ReferencesManager;
Serialization of this Manager object closely resembles the ReferencesMapping.xml file in CMS versions before CMS 9.0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReferencesMapping LastUpdatedUser="ingeniux\admin1" LastUpdated="20140714T11:24:50">
    <Definition Description="The Reference" FullName="Reference" TagName="R" />
    <Definition Description="The source page XID" FullName="SourcePage" TagName="S" />
    <Definition Description="The target page XID" FullName="TargetPage" TagName="T" />
    <Definition Description="Last Updated Date" FullName="LastUpdatedDate" TagName="LUD" />
    <Definition Description="Last Update User" FullName="LastUpdateUser" TagName="LUU" />
    <R S="x123" T="x345" LUU="ingeniux\admin2" LUD="20140714T10.24:01" />
    <R S="x6789" T="1011" LUU="ingeniux\admin3" LUD="20140714T10.41:43" />
See Also