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IMobileDeviceManagerDeviceBundles Method

Retrieves the collection of all device bundles in a paginated format.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
IEnumerable<IDeviceBundle> DeviceBundles(
	bool waitForDownload,
	out int count,
	int pageSize = -1,
	int startIndex = -1


Type: SystemBoolean
Decides whether to wait for automatic update to finish. If false, enumerates the current collection in the mobile detection library.
Type: SystemInt32
Total count of entries
pageSize (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Number of entries to return. If not provided, returns all entries.
startIndex (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Starting index of entries. If not provided, starts from first entry.

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableIDeviceBundle
Collection of all device bundles.
See Also