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IngeniuxCMService Namespace

Public classAssetServices
Provides the functionality to manage Ingeniux CMS assets.
Public classAssignmentListServices
Provides the list of pages assigned to currently logged-in user.
Public classFileBrowserServices
Provides the ability to work with Ingeniux CMS binary assets.
Public classGlobalConfigurationsServices
Provides the functionality to work with CMS application configurations.
Public classIndexingSearchServices
Provides functionality related to full-text search for pages.
Public classMarkForPublishServices
Provides functionality related to Mark for Publish and Unmark for Publish actions.
Public classMembershipProvidersServices
Provides the ability to work with the Ingeniux CMS authentication system, including login, enumerating list providers, and user account manipulations.
Public classMobileDeviceServices
Provides the functionality to work with mobile devices emulations for page preview.
Public classOverviewServices
Provides the functionality to access CMS general information and track current user activities.
Public classPageCommandsServices
Provides functionality to work with page content.
Public classPageCreationRulesAdminServices
Provides administrative functionalities to manipulate Page Creation Rules.
Public classPresentationsAdminServices
Provides the functionalities of managing presentation content units
Public classPublishingMonitorServices
Provides the functionality to monitor publishing and replication status.
Public classPublishingSystemManagerServices
Provides the functionality to work with the Ingeniux CMS publishing system.
Public classRedirectServices
Provides functionality to manage the redirects system for run-time sites.
Public classSchemaDesignerServices
Provides the functionality to manage schemas.
Public classSiteDefinitionsLocalizationServices
Provides functionality to translate schemas, page creation rules, workflow definitions, and workflow states for specific user-interface languages.
Public classSiteTreeServices
Provides the functionality to work with Ingeniux CMS site tree.
Public classSSMapServices
Provides the functionality to manage site branding objects: user agents and sites.
Public classSystemOptionsServices
Provides the functionality to manage Ingeniux CMS global settings.
Public classTaxonomyTreeServices
Provides the functionality to manage the Ingeniux CMS taxonomy system.
Public classUserGroupSelectionServices
Provides the ability to retrieve a collection of users and groups.
Public classUserManagerServices
Provides the functionality to manage users and groups in the Ingeniux CMS.
Public classWorkflowServices
Provides the functionality to manage the Ingeniux CMS workflow system,
Public classXHRServiceResponseGenericT
The generic object that all Ingeniux CMS Web Services use for returning information.