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Ingeniux.Runtime Namespace

Public classSite
Legacy support for specifying View/XSLT template override, by detecting a specific string sequence on the full URL of a Http Request. It was created to support a legacy feature called CoBranding.
Public classUserAgent
Legacy support for specifying View/XSLT template override, by detecting a specific string sequence on the User Agent string of a Http Request. It was created to support a legacy feature called CoBranding. It is also used for Multi-Format-Output publishing, to determine the extension of published files.
Public interfaceCode exampleICMSAssetElement
Represents an expanded Asset Navigation entry, which is a summarized representation of another Asset. Its XML element is always an "Asset" element like the following:
Public interfaceICMSAssetNavigationElement
Represents a Navigation Element, which is essentially a collection of Links.
Public interfaceICMSAssetTaxonomyNavigationElement
Represents a Taxonomy Navigation element. This element is unlike other types of Navigation. There's a list of structured Category Nodes below and a list of Links attached to each Category Node in the structure.
Public interfaceICMSAttribute
Represents the XAttribute with environment variables.
Public interfaceICMSCategory
Represents a Category Element in expanded XML; provides convenient strong-typed access to the Element.
Public interfaceICMSCategoryInformation
Represents the common localizable information for a Category.
Public interfaceICMSCategoryLocalization
Represents a localization entry for a Category. It contains localized information for the Category, based on a specific locale.
Public interfaceICMSCategorySynonym
Represents a synonym entry for a Category.
Public interfaceICMSComponentFragmentTemplate
Represents the object that contains information on the presentation fragment template for a component
Public interfaceICMSComponentRequest
Represents the content expansion system of Dynamic Site Server. It processes expansion for both individual Page and Component.
Public interfaceICMSElement
Represents an Element on a CMS Page. It provides the means to traverse an Elements's content through unique Ingeniux CMS types, and carries the necessary Http Request information.
Public interfaceICMSEnvironment
Represents the Http and CMS exclusive variables to be carried by a Http Request to a Dynamic Site Server Page. This interface allows for overriding of the Http variables, which is particularly useful in preview mode, where all Http variables are simulated.
Public interfaceICMSExpansionEngine
XML expansion class to provide expanded page content
Public interfaceCode exampleICMSLinkElement
Represents an expanded Link or Navigation entry, which is a summarized representation of another Page. Its XML element is always a "Page" element like the following:
Public interfaceICMSNavigatingCategory
Represents a Category Element in an expanded taxonomy navigation. It contains the collection of Pages that are associated with the Category, as Link entries.
Public interfaceICMSNavigationElement
Represents a Navigation Element, which is essentially a collection of Links.
Public interfaceICMSObjectT
Defines the model to be passed into all view templates. It is the base of the Element and Attribute containers.
Public interfaceICMSPage
Represents an actual request to a CMS Page. It provides the means to traverse a Page's content through unique Ingeniux CMS types, and carries the necessary Http Request information.
Public interfaceICMSPageContent
Represents content for a CMS page
Public interfaceICMSPageFactory
Represents the entry point to the Ingeniux Dynamic Site Server. It is used to retrieve Pages by xID or Structured URL.
Public interfaceICMSPagePresentationInformation
Represents the object that contains information regarding a page's template rendering. It is only available if the presentation page uses template rendering, which means it has dynamic fields created from Page Builder. It contains an collection of templates, each one for a specific user agent.
Public interfaceICMSPageRenderingTemplate
Represents the object that contains information on a rendering template for a presentation page.
Public interfaceICMSPageTypeRequest
Represents a CMS request that only carries the information of Page's schema name.
Public interfaceICMSRequest
Represents a request to DSS targeting a CMS Page or URL Route.
Public interfaceICMSRoutingRequest
Represents a wrapper for a request. This interface includes a CMS request if its path starts with a valid path for a CMS page or redirect. It also includes the leftover path after a valid CMS path.
Public interfaceICMSTaxonomyNavigationElement
Represents a Taxonomy Navigation element. This element is unlike other types of Navigation. There's a list of structured Category Nodes below and a list of Links attached to each Category Node in the structure.
Public interfaceIDocumentPreviewCMSEnvironment
Represents a document preview with environment variables
Public interfaceIDynamicTransformationEngine
This is the transformation engine that uses the System.XML instead of MSXML4. It is a faster transformation engine, but XSLT syntax are slightly different.
Public interfaceISettings
Represents CMS settings
Public interfaceIXSerialize
Represents an object that can be serialized into a Xml Element.
Public enumerationMapType
The list of types of Url map
Public enumerationNavigationElementType
The list of Navigation element types in the CMS. Note that the Child navigation and Ancestor navigation types are not listed because they are sub types of the standard Navigation type.
Public enumerationTransformOptions
The list of transformation options when viewing a Page.