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IContentItemMarking Methods

The IContentItemMarking type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanMarkContentItemT
Checks whether a content item can be marked for publish on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkContentItemForPublishT
Marks or unmarks a Content Item for publish on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkedT
Checks whether a Content Item is marked on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkedContentItemCountT
Retrieves the count of all marked Content Items of specific type on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkedContentItemsT
Retrieves all marked Content Item Versions on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkedOnContentItemCurrentVersionT
Checks whether the current version of a Content Item is marked for publish on this Publishing Target.
Public methodMarkedOnContentItemVersionT
Checks whether a Content Item Version, is marked on this Publishing Target.
See Also