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IWorkflowAdvance Method

Advances this workflow from its current Work State to the next Work State, using a specified Transition. Meanwhile, determines which User to whom to assign the workflow, and whether to perform Actions.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.3.169
void Advance(
	ITransition transition,
	string comment,
	IUser assignUser = null,
	bool performAction = true,
	bool groupAssign = false,
	bool skipEmail = false


Type: Ingeniux.CMSITransition
The transition that is used to advance the workflow, the next Work State of this workflow will be the NextState on the transition.
Type: SystemString
User comments on the advancement
assignUser (Optional)
Type: Ingeniux.CMSIUser
The user to whom to assign the page. If default, assign to the DefaultUser of the transition, or the NextGroup on the transition if DefaultUser is not specified.
performAction (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Specifies whether to perform the actions on the transition. Defaults to true.
groupAssign (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Specifies whether to assign page to next group if no user is provided. If false it will choose the default user if possible before resorting to group. Defaults to false.
skipEmail (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean

[Missing <param name="skipEmail"/> documentation for "M:Ingeniux.CMS.IWorkflow.Advance(Ingeniux.CMS.ITransition,System.String,Ingeniux.CMS.IUser,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"]

InvalidOperationExceptionWhen workflow is locked
If the Workflow's DontExecuteActions property is set to true, the performAction parameter will not be effective.
See Also