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IContentItemAddToWorkflow Method

Adds this page to workflow. This operation creates a new workflow instance for this page based on the Workflow Definition provided and assigns the page to the specified User.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.3.169
IWorkflow AddToWorkflow(
	IWorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition,
	IUser assignToUser


Type: Ingeniux.CMSIWorkflowDefinition
Definition of the workflow to create the workflow instance
Type: Ingeniux.CMSIUser
User to assign the page to after it is added to workflow

Return Value

Type: IWorkflow
The newly created workflow instance.

If this page is already in a workflow, it is first removed from that workflow.

See Also