IReplicator Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IReplicator type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddTarget
Adds a new Replication Target to collection.
Public method CancelReplication
Cancels all replications.
Public method CancelReplicationSession
Cancels replication for a specific Replication Target.
Public method Clear
Removes all Replication Targets from collection.
Public method RemoveTarget
Removes a Replication Target from collection.
Public method ReorderTargets
Reorder the sequence of Replicator Targets in the collection. When this replicator is configured to replicate sequentially, this method affects which Target performs replication first.
Public method Replicate
Starts replication on all Replication Targets.
Public method ReplicationTaskMonitors
Retrieves the collection of monitor objects for the Replication Targets that belongs to this replicator, in a paginated fashion.
Public method Target
Retrieves a Replicator Target by its unique ID.
Public method TargetCount
Gets the count of the collection of Replication Targets that belong to this replicator.
Public method Targets
Retrieves the collection of Replication Targets that belongs to this replicator, in a paginated fashion.
Public method ValidateData
Validates this entity's data. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
Public method ValidateUserPermission
Validates the user permission on the current entity. Implemented by concrete inheriting types. It is called automatically upon saving an entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.)
See Also
