Ingeniux.CMS Namespace Ingeniux CMS Content Store API


  Class Description
Public class ChoicesProviderApplicableCondition
Describes the when this provider should provide the choices to an element. This object provides the logic to decide whether the provider to which it belongs should be used to provide element choices, based on the combination of SchemaName and ElementNames.
Public class ChoicesProviderOptions
Contains information on how the choices for a enumerative element should be presented.
Public class Code example ContentStore
The entry object to Ingeniux Content Store API. It is in charge of creating all communication sessions with the content store. This object should only be created once per app domain.
Public class InvalidCrossLocaleCopyException
The exception that indicates an error during cross-locale page copy. It carries additional information on the cross-locale page copy action.
Public class InvalidRegionRootSetException
The exception that indicates an error while copying a lingual root page. It carries additional information on the copy action.

  Interface Description
Public interface Code example IAction

Represents a task to be completed when a transition is executed. An action is associated with a transition through the AddAction(EnumActionType, String) method.

There are actions for common operations in the content tree, such as checking in a page and marking a page for publish. If the built-in actions are not adequate, developers can create custom workflow actions. Custom workflow actions assemblies must be put in App_Data/xml/custom/plugins/CustomWorkflowActions directory. The actual Action class must implement the ICustomWorkflowAction interface. The custom action uses its full class name as the value of the ProgID attribute and calls the Execute method to perform the action.

The actions associated with a transition are executed in the order in which they are added to the transition. If an action fails to execute, the transition will not complete. The workflow remains in the WorkState it was in before the transition executed.

Public interface Code example IActionTypeAttribute
Represents a list of attribute names required for a particular type of workflow action.
Public interface IAssetNodeLevelPermission
Represents a unit of security permission to apply to a particular asset folder or file.
Public interface IAssetSecurityEntry
Represents a security permission entry for an asset file or folder. Holds a collection of asset node-level permissions.
Public interface IAssetSecurityManager
Represents the manager object that manages asset security entries.
Public interface IAttribute
Represents an attribute in Page or Element content, or in a Workflow Action. Attributes are always uniquely named. Attribute objects are already serialized into an XAttribute object.
Public interface Code example IAudit_Entity
Represents an entity within an audit entry. This interface captures the most fundamental information regarding the entity that is involved in the action being tracked.
Public interface Code example IAudit_User
Represents the user that performs the action on the entity tracked in AuditEntry.
Public interface Code example IAuditEntry
Presents an entry in the Audit Trail system. This entry stores the information regarding what entity was modified, which user worked on the entity, and what type of action was performed on that entity.
Public interface Code example IAuditTrail
Represents the Audit Trail system. This system allows you to retrieve audit entries and add new entries. The Audit Trail system automatically creates entries after entities are created, updated, or deleted in the content store.
Public interface Code example IAuditTrailSettings
Represents the settings of Audit Trail and contains its archive status.
Public interface IBrandEntryBase
Represents the base of branding entries (Site, UserAgent). This is a branding system used only for XSLT rendering.
Public interface ICategoryEvents
Represents the collections of CategoryNode events.
Public interface Code example ICategoryNode

Represents one CategoryNode in the Taxonomy tree.

Categories are used to tag Page objects, creating another way to organize and index Page objects.

The Taxonomy system is hierarchical. Each CategoryNode may have parent and children nodes.

Public interface ICategorySynonym

Represents a Synonym entry for a CategoryNode.

Synonym is another name of the CategoryNode that is specific to a Locale.

Public interface ICategoryTranslation
Represents a translation entry of a CategoryNode under a specific locale.
Public interface IContentCollection
Represents a collection of Attributes.
Public interface IContentFreezeState
Represents the state of Content Freeze, which only allows a limited number of users to open read/write sessions.
Public interface IContentStore
Represents the object that hosts the content of a CMS instance. There should be only one instance of this object created per App Domain. For a CMS Site, this object is always stored as an application variable that persists throughout the CMS application's lifecycle. Any integration work at the CSAPI level should only use one ContentStore instance per App Domain.
Public interface IContentStoreEvents
Content store events: The content store subscribes to all the events below and relays event firings to the corresponding managers or objects.
Public interface IContentStoreMetaData
Contains ContentStore metadata. These are the basic settings of a CMS site.
Public interface ICustomLocale
Represents a custom locale. It is used to extend the list of ISO locales and to allow more choices of languages in the WorldView system.
Public interface ICustomWorkflowAction
Represents the base interface for custom workflow actions. All custom workflow action implementations must use this interface so that the workflow engine picks up custom actions.
Public interface IDevice

Represents a mobile device-web browser combination with unique UserAgent string. A device entry with this UserAgent string can be uniquely identified by Ingeniux CMS' mobile device detection system.

Public interface Code example IDeviceBundle
Represents a collection of device-browser combinations that share a manufacturer and screen size. DeviceBundles are for mobile emulation in page preview only. It has a representative Device that provides a single user agent string for the emulation. If a page previews correctly with selected bundle, it means the page will display properly on all the devices this bundle includes.
Public interface Code example IDeviceInfo
Represents detailed information of a device-browser combination. This information is provided by the Ingeniux CMS mobile detection library for administrative user interfaces. It isn't stored in the bundle.
Public interface IElement
Represents an element field on a CMS Page. Its parent can be a Page or an Element. It is a collection of Attributes, plus field name and value, that can be serialized to an XElement.
Public interface IEmailer
Represents an SMTP utility that provides email functionality within the CSAPI.
Public interface IEntity
Represents an object that has a unique ID and name; has a list of update information; and can be serialized to XML. Entities should only be manipulated within a UserWriteSession. Also, it should only have its methods and properties called within the UserSession where it was originally retrieved.
Public interface IEntityTManager
Represents an entity type that is associated with a specific manager type.
Public interface IEntityEvents
Represents the collection of Entity events.
Public interface Code example IEnumerationElementChoicesProvider
Represents objects that provide choices for selection-type elements. The CSAPI searches for concrete classes that implement this interface to provide actual choices
Public interface IExportDefinition

Represents an entry in the exports of a NavigationElement.

Exports are additional attributes appended to an expanded Link or Navigation XML element, adding more information to the Link or Navigation entry.

This interface is used for SchemaFields on Schemas and for GlobalExports. It is not for LocalExports on Navigation elements for Pages.

Public interface Code example IExportElement
Represents a local export entry in Navigation and Link elements. Defines an additional XML attribute to be included in an page element's output.
Public interface Code example IExportsElement
Represents the collection of local export entries in Navigation and Link elements. Defines an additional XML attribute to be included in a Page element's output.
Public interface IFinalizeCloneInfo
Represents the information of a page's Lingual Version Map's finalization. This information is only be available when the lingual version map is finalized.
Public interface IGenericDevice
Represents the generic mobile device for simulation purposes. This is the device to fall back on when it's determined the that browser is mobile but the exact device type is unknown. The purpose is to define the screen width and height of the fallback device.
Public interface IGlobalExports
Represents the Manager object that manages all global Exports for all Navigation Elements across all Pages.
Public interface Code example IGlobalVariable

Represents the Global Variable entry. As the name indicates, global variables are placeholders that hold specific values They can be used in any part of an element value or attribute. The purpose of this object is to allow static information that is repeated across multiple pages or fields to be editable in only one place.

Global variables always have a global value, which applies to all publishing targets. They may also contain override values for specific publishing targets. During publish, these override values are used for the publishing targets to which the global variables belong.

Global variables are defined in the CMS and undergo value replacement in the DSS.

Public interface IGlobalVariablesCollection
Represents the Manager object that manages global variables.
Public interface IGroupElement

Represents a Group element on a page.

A Group element contains child elements of any type, except another group element.

Public interface IGroupRole
Represents a specific permissions set that is stored and provides a way to set permission on a Group.
Public interface IHierarchyId
The object that stores hierarchy information on an entity.
Public interface ILingualMappingManager
Represents the manager object that is in charge of lingual mapping between pages. Lingual maps are an essential part of the Ingeniux WorldView system
Public interface ILingualPageMap
Represents a lingual relation between 2 pages. It includes the information of master and clone pages unique ids and locales.
Public interface ILingualPageVersionMap

Represents the lingual relationship mapping for specific version of the master page. This object is an entry in LingualPageMap.

Localization of web pages starts with the source language page (master page). In the beginning, the source language content is finalized and checked in, but there is no translation of this page in the target language. This will be the first entry in lingual map of this master page. It has a version for source page, but doesn't have a version for target page yet. As translation finishes, this lingual version map is finalized. It contains the target language page (clone page) version number. At this point, this version map is closed and kept in history of the master page's translations.

Public interface ILinkElement
Represents a single page summarization, a reference to an external URL, or a reference to a document asset.
Public interface IListElement
Represents a List element. List elements can have child elements of the same type. It must have at least one child element, but there is no upper limit on how many child elements it can have. The child element type can be any type, excluding Group and List elements.
Public interface IListStep

Represents the information of a step/task entry in a background task to be monitored. This step has a collection of substeps.

Substeps need not have a particular order. List steps can advance from one step to any other step.

Public interface ILocale
Represents a standard ISO locale definition. The concept of locale is a combination of language and region. A more common term to describe a locale is "culture."
Public interface ILocalesManager
Represents the entity that holds the collection of custom locales. Also provides the the functionality to list or retrieve standard ISO locales.
Public interface IManagersHost
Represents collection of all user-specific, session-specific, and publically available Manager objects.
Public interface Code example IMobileDeviceManager
Represents the manager object that contains the collection of Device Bundles. Also, it can retrieve the information of a device from the Ingeniux CMS mobile detection library.
Public interface Code example INavigationElement

Represents the types of XPower elements that produce a collection of Navigation elements during runtime or publishing expansion. A Navigation element queries each page it covers and produces a Page element with a set of attributes that summarizes the page's content.

The highly organized and highly flexible Navigation elements are a central part of the Ingeniux CMS.

The amount of information to summarize from page content is decided by the combination of global exports and local exports. Local exports override global exports with same name. Therefore, all Navigation element types can have local exports.

Public interface Code example INodeLevelPermission
Represents a unit of security permission to apply to a particular object. The object represents a node in the tree structure.
Public interface Code example IPage

Represents a node in the content tree within a particular Site. It can be retrieved via Page method from the Site object.

Pages are the building blocks of a CMS Site. Each Page object represents a structured piece of content that represents either a URL on the runtime site or a content block to be included in other pages.

Public interface IPageContent
Represents the entity that contains the XML serialization of a Page Version. Page contents are used for preview and publishing.
Public interface Code example IPageCreationRule

Defines the criteria for creating a new Page, including Schema, location, and limitations on Groups and Users.

Page creation rules provide a controlled way to create pages; their main purpose is to enforce restrictions on page creation for nonadministrative users.

Because they provide ways to limit page creation locations, they can also be a used as shortcuts for creating pages quickly.

In addition, page creation rules can add newly created pages directly into workflows.

Public interface IPageCreationRuleEntryForPage
Represents page creation information on a specific page.
Public interface Code example IPageCreationRulesManager
Represents the manager object that provides the means to query and manage Page Creation Rules.
Public interface IPageEvents
Represents the collection of Page events.
Public interface Code example IPageVersion
Represents the content of a Page at a specific stage in the page's history. The Page Version object contains Elements and Attributes on the page content, the Presentations of the Page, and references to the page and its Schema Version.
Public interface IPCRParentPage
Represents an entry in the parent Pages collection of a Page Creation Rule. It contains the parent page's information as well as whether or not this entry includes the parent page's descendants.
Public interface Code example IPublishingManager
Represents the manager object that provides the means to query and manage the following publishing- and runtime-related objects:

Publishing Targets, Publishing Profiles, Structured Url Maps, Runtime Redirects, Replication System, Publishing Tasks and Replication Tasks.

It also provides ways to manage InSite Search configuration of CMS published content.

Public interface IPublishingProfile
Public interface IPublishingSystemSecurity
Represents the settings of the User or Group that access a Publishing Target.
Public interface Code example IPublishingTarget
Represents the location to which a list of marked Pages is published as well as the settings on how the published contents get replicated. Also provides information on how the Dynamic Site Server hosts the published content in a runtime environment.
Public interface IPublishingTargetEvents
Represent the collection of Publishing Target events.
Public interface IPublishingTargetVariable
Represents a override value for a Global Variable for a specific Publishing Target. This value applies during both preview and publish for this Publishing Target.
Public interface Code example IPublishingTask
Represents a task to publish a set of Pages and assets.
Public interface IPublishingTaskEvents
Represents the collection of Publishing Task events
Public interface IPublishTaskMonitor
Represents the collection of information that indicates the status of a Publishing Target's ongoing Publishing Task. with more details and Content Store storage presence. The publishing target and publishing task monitor have a one-to-one relationship.
Public interface IReadonlyUser
Represents the basic collection of information to be used to create a Session.
Public interface IRedirect
Represents an entry in the run-time redirects maps. It is defined as design-time and published to each Publishing Target's target folder.
Public interface IReferenceEntry
Represents a reference from one Page to another Page. This object is created on the fly; it's not an entity stored in Content Store.
Public interface Code example IReferencesManager
Represents the manager object that provides a means to query and manage the Page cross references collection. The references system provides a different way to relate pages Pages in a nonorganized way. To relate pages in an organized way, the Taxonomy System is recommended solution.
Public interface IReplicationAdditionalLocation
Represents a location that is not in the Publishing Target Folder, but will be replicated to a destination location during replication.
Public interface IReplicationCleanupExemption
Represents a location from the Replication Target's destination directory that will not be cleaned up during Clean Replication.
Public interface IReplicationExemption
Represents the location from Publishing Target Folder that will not be replicated.
Public interface IReplicationItem
Represents an item to be replicated and its replication status. It is used to track replication progress.
Public interface Code example IReplicationTarget
Represents a destination location to which published content is replicated as well as corresponding settings for this location.
Public interface IReplicationTaskDetails
Represents the details of a completed replication.
Public interface IReplicationTaskMonitor
Represents the Monitor object that tracks the status of an ongoing replication.
Public interface IReplicator
Represents the replication mechanism of a Publishing Target. The Replicator object itself contains the collection of Replication Targets and is in charge of managing them.
Public interface Code example ISchema
Represents a schema for a page. All pages in the Ingeniux CMS are created from a schema, which defines page structure. However, changes to a schema are not automatically applied to pages created from it. In order for a page's structure to stay in sync with a schema, you must sync it in schema designer.
Public interface ISchemaBasic
Represents the properties shared by the Schema and SchemaVersion objects.
Public interface ISchemaField

Represents a field in schema. It corresponds to an element or attribute in a page.

A schema contains a flat list of multiple fields.

Public interface Code example ISchemaFieldDefinitions
Represents the collection of built-in schema field types (Element and Attribute types) in the Ingeniux CMS. This collection contains all field types used to to construct a schema.
Public interface ISchemaFieldFavorite
Represents a collection of fields with prefilled values. It is used to group Fields that are most repeated across schemas. This way, when creating a new schema, fields can be conveniently added without additional typing.
Public interface ISchemaFieldProperty
Represents a filled value for a schema favorite entry's field.
Public interface ISchemaFieldResult
Represents the combination of a SchemaField's serialization result. It contains 3 pieces of xml to go to 2 different areas in the final Schema xml output
Public interface ISchemaFieldType
Represents a built-in type of schema field in a schema (attribute or element in a page). Most field types in a schema correspond to an EnumElementType for a page, except for four types of multi-select fields that correspond to the IGX_MULTI_SELECT element type.
Public interface ISchemaFieldTypeProperty
Represents an exclusive property of a Schema Field Type
Public interface Code example ISchemaManager
Represents the manager object that provides means to query and managee schemas and schema field favorites. It also provides the built-in field definitions.
Public interface Code example ISchemaVersion
Represents a version entry of a Schema. Can be the current version or the previous version.
Public interface ISearchFieldException
InSite Search Configuration: Representats a search indexing configuration entry for a Page's Element or Attribute, either within one Schema or across all Schemas. This allows to individually control search indexing on Page fields.
Public interface ISearchSchemaException
InSite Search Configuration: Represents a search indexing configuration entry for a specific Page type. This configuration will affect indexing behaviors on all Pages created from the schema. Within each configuration entry, search indexing behaviors of each Elements and Attributes can be configured individually.
Public interface ISettings
Represents the collection of settings of a Ingeniux CMS site instance.
Public interface Code example ISite

Represents the manager object that provides the means to query and manage Pages and Page Versions.

It is the most important manager, due to fact it manages the central pieces of CMS, the Pages.

Public interface Code example ISiteBranding
Represents the site branding system, which defines cobranding at the server level. It is used only for XSLT rendering.

Each Site Branding entry corresponding to a presentation style collection. Site Branding at run time is determined by locating its search string on the request URL. If the search string is found on the request URL, site branding is applied.

In other words, site brandings allow for presentation style switching based on request URL, include host name, base URL, and query strings.

Public interface ISiteEvents
Represents the collection of Site object events.
Public interface ISiteMap
Represents the manager object that manages the XSLT rendering branding system. It add entries to, removes entries from, and updates ISiteBranding and IUserAgent.
Public interface IStep

Represents the information of a step/task entry in a background task to be monitored. Steps are the building blocks of the Task Monitor, which is used to monitor the progress of a task.

Steps are normally constructed with full information during construction of a Task Monitor. Its property values cannot be changed.

Public interface IStepWithWeight
Represents the information of a step/task entry in a background task to be monitored. By default, a step has one unit of weight in its Task Monitor. A step with weight can take multiple weight units. However, the units cannot be equal to or less than 0.
Public interface IStructuredUrlSettings
Represents the settings of a structured URL for a specific Publishing Target.
Public interface IStylesheet
Represents a XSLT style sheet file in the App_Dat/xml/Stylesheets folder.
Public interface ITaskMonitor
Represents the collection of information that indicates the status of a Publishing Task. Manipulation of the objects that implement this interface is usually done by the task itself.
Public interface ITaxonomyEvents
Represents the collection of events triggered by the Taxonomy system
Public interface Code example ITaxonomyManager
Represents the manager object that provides a means to query and manage Category Nodes collections. ITaxonomyManager also manages the associations between pages and categories.
Public interface ITransactionalEntity
The base interface for all manager objects. It manages one or more types of object collections in the content store. Transactional entities are exclusive to the sessions that initiated them, and cannot be used across sessions.
Public interface Code example ITransition

Represents a path between two Work States. When a Workflow advances from one workstate to another, it goes through a transition.

Transitions allow for ownership change of a page in workflow. Transitions can also can execute built-in or custom Actions.

Transitions are defined in Workflow Definitions and carried out in Workflow Instances.

Public interface ITransitionUserInterface
Represents the settings for user-interface behavior when the transition is executed. This includes the toolbar icons and the enter/exit dialog settings.
Public interface IUniqueSchemaUnit
Presents a fully filled-out Schema Field. It is the construction unit of Schema Field Favorites. Normally, an instance of this type has all the necessary attributes and values filled in, so can be used directly when constructing a new Schema.
Public interface IUrlMap
Represents a collection of a Page's URLs on a specific Publishing Target.
Public interface IUrlMapPageEntry
Represents a Page in the collection of URL maps.
Public interface IUrlMapPageHistoryEntry
Represents a historical URL of a Page when published. A historical URL can be generated by renaming, moving, or deleting a Page, or it can be created manually as custom URL for a specific purpose.
Public interface IUser
Represents a user in the Content Store. The Ingeniux CMS CSAPI is an protected environment that requires a user account to create any kind of reading or writing sessions.
Public interface IUserActivities
Represents the collection of Pages with which a User interacted.
Public interface IUserActivityPageEntry
Represents a single activity on a Page by a User.
Public interface Code example IUserAgent
Represents a user agent branding. This is a branding system used only for XSLT rendering.

User agent branding is used to define cobranding at the client level. Each user agent branding entry corresponds to a presentation style collection. User agent branding at run time is determined by locating its search string on the requested, browser-specific user agent string. If the search string is found on the requested user agent, then this user agent branding is applied.

Creating user agent brandings allows presentation style switching based on browser type. This is mainly used for mobile-device detection.

Public interface IUserEvents
Represents the collection of events triggered by User objects.
Public interface IUserGroup
Represents a collection of Users that share the same Security Permissions.
Public interface IUserGroupEvents
Represents the collection of events triggered by Group objects.
Public interface Code example IUserManager
Represents the manager object that is in charge of managing Users and Groups.
Public interface IUserRights
Represents the collection of security permissions for a Group or User. It contains two enum sections, each of which contains its own collection of permission types.
Public interface IUserSession
Represents a communication session used to retrieve objects from the content store. It is also the place to get all manager instances.
Public interface IUserWriteSession
Represents a communication session used not only to retrieve objects from the content store, but also to create, delete, and modify objects. It is also the place to get all manager instances.
Public interface Code example IWorkflow
Represents the an instance of a Workflow Definition associated with a single Page. Once a Page is added to a Workflow, a new instance of the Workflow object is created and attached to the Page. This allows precise control of the Page's lifecycle. It's also a good way to track the history of actions that occur on the Page.
Public interface Code example IWorkflowAttribute
Represents an attrbrite of a Workflow Action. Used to store the action's settings.
Public interface Code example IWorkflowDefinition
Represents a definition of workflow. Defines a Transitions tree/loop to move Pages through, the Users to assign page to, and the Actions to perform on these transitions.
Public interface IWorkflowLogEntry
Represents an entry in a Workflow's history. Each time a Transition is executed on the workflow, a log entry is created.
Public interface Code example IWorkflowManager
Represents the manager object that provides the means to query and manage Workflow Definitions, Work States, and Workflow Log entry collections.
Public interface IWorkflowTransitionEvents
Represents the collection of events fired during Transitions in Workflow
Public interface Code example IWorkState
Represents a stage of a Workflow. Transitions push a Page from one workstate to another.