ITaskMonitor Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The ITaskMonitor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add
Adds a new Step to monitor to this task.
Public method AdvanceStep
Marks the previous Ongoing Step to the COMPLETED state.
Public method Clear
Clears the Steps collection.
Public method Remove
Removes a Step to monitor from this task.
Public method Reset
Marks the monitor as inactive.
Public method Shutdown
Shuts down the monitor and issues the PublishCompleteevent. This method is called by Publishing Task upon completing the task.
Public method Step(Int32)
Retrieves a Step by its index.
Public method Step(String)
Retrieves a Step by its unique ID.
Public method Steps
Retrieves the collection of Steps for the task to be monitored.
See Also
