IUserSession Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IUserSession type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CompositeGetT, TManager
Retrieves an entity with given ID and objects related to the entity. The includeExpression defines what to include.
Public method CompositeListT
Retrieves the collection of all objects of a given type as well as all objects related to the object type. The includeExpression defines what to include.
Public method CountT
Gets the count of query results
Public method Exists
Checks whether an object with given unique ids exists or not
Public method GetT
Retrieves an object that implements the IObjectWithId interface by its unique ID, from the content store.
Public method GetEntitiesT, TManager
Public method GetEntityT, TManager
Public method GetManagerT
Public method ListT
Retrieves the collection of all objects of a given type.
Public method Code example LuceneQueryAllT, TIndex

Queries the content store using Lucene query syntax, returning a collection of objects of the given type.

The CSAPI creates indexes in the content store to expedite object lookup. The CSAPI comes with a set of indexes for its basic functionality. All strong-typed queries go through this method. Additional custom indexes can be created to provide further flexibility on fast lookup. Please refer to the Indexing topic for more information on indexes and custom indexes.

Public method QueryT, TIndex

Queries the content store and returns a collection of objects of a given type. The query is based on the type of index provided.

THe CSAPI creates indexes in the content store to expedite object lookup. CSAPI comes with a set of indexes for its basic functionality. All strong-typed queries go through this method. Additional custom indexes can be created to provide even further flexibilities on fast lookup. Please refer to the Indexing topic for more information on indexes and custom indexes.

See Also
