IElement Properties Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IElement type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ContentUnitTemplateName
Gets and sets the template name this field uses. Only fields generated via ContentUnit placement have this value.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public property Expanded
Gets and sets the Element's field on Edit Form as showing its full details. This value only applies to the Edit Form.
Public property Hidden
Gets and sets the Element as hidden on the Edit Form.
Public property IsXpower
Gets if the Element is a Xpower element, a special Ingeniux CMS Element that executes at runtime (or fully expanded publishing).
Public property Label
Gets and sets the label (friendly name) of the Element.
Public property Name
Gets and sets the name of Element.
Public property Readonly
Gets and sets the Element as read-only on the Edit Form.
Public property Required
Gets sets the Element's value as required. Pages containing required Elements with empty values cannot be checked in.
Public property Type
Gets the type of Element.
Public property UniqueID
Gets the unique ID of the Element.
Public property Value
Gets and sets the value of the Element.
See Also
