IUniqueSchemaUnit Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IUniqueSchemaUnit type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ChildProperty
Gets a property of a child item of the field. Only applies to the List element field type.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method Property
Gets a field property by its name. Each property corresponds to an attribute on a pageelement.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method RemoveExport
Removes a local exports entry if exists.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method Serialize
Serialize this field into Ingeniux CMS XML schema format.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method Code example SerializeToFavorite
Serializes the XML element as a favorite entry. The favorite-entry format is not the same as output elements for schemas.
Public method SetChildProperty
Sets a property of child item of the field. Only applies to List Element field type. If child property with given name doesn't exist, will create a new child property.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method SetExport
Sets a local exports entry. If the entry exists, it updates its value. Otherwise, it creates a new entry.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
Public method SetProperty
Sets a property of the field. If the property with the given name doesn't exist, creates a new property.
(Inherited from ISchemaField.)
See Also
