IListElement Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IListElement type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddAttribute
Adds one or more Attributes to the ContentCollection. This method accepts variable number of Attribute objects as parameters.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method AddAttributes
Adds a collection of Attributes to the Content Collection.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method AddListItem
Creates a new child element and adds it to the collection. The new child element has its type and name decided, but nothing else.
Public method Attribute
Gets a specific Attribute by name
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method Attributes (Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method AttributesCount
Gets the count of Attributes in the ContentCollection.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method AttributeValue
Gets the value of a specific Attribute by name.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method ClearAttributes
Clears all Attributes from collection.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method ClearListItems
Removes the child element's collection, leaving only the very first child element.
Public method Clone
Clones the current element and returns a new element. The cloned element usesthe name provided.
(Inherited from IElement.)
Public method ListItem(Int32)
Retrieves a child element by its position in the collection.
Public method ListItem(String)
Retrieves a child element by its unique ID.
Public method ListItems
Retrieves all child elements.
Public method ListItemsCount
Gets the count of child elements.
Public method RemoveAttribute
Removes an Attribute from the collection.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
Public method RemoveListItem
Removes a child element.
Public method SetAttributeValue
Sets an Attribute's value. If the Attribute with the given name doesn't exist, this method creates it.
(Inherited from IContentCollection.)
See Also
