IContentStoreEvents Interface Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

Content store events: The content store subscribes to all the events below and relays event firings to the corresponding managers or objects.

Namespace: Ingeniux.CMS
Assembly: Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 9.0.565.0 (9.0.565)

public interface IContentStoreEvents : IEntityEvents, 
	IPublishingTargetEvents, IPublishingTaskEvents, IPageEvents, ISiteEvents, ITaxonomyEvents, 
	IUserEvents, IUserGroupEvents, IWorkflowTransitionEvents, ICategoryEvents

The IContentStoreEvents type exposes the following members.


Public eventAfterCategoryDelete
This event is fired after a Category Node is deleted.
(Inherited from ITaxonomyEvents.)
Public eventAfterCrossLocaleCopy
This event is fired after a Page is copied across Region Roots.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterEmptyRecycleFolder
This event is fired after Recycle Folder is emptied.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterEntitySave
This event is fired after a Entity object is saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageAssign
This event is fired after page is assigned.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageCheckIn
This event is fired after a page is checked in.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageCheckOut
This event is fired after a page is checked out.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageCopy
This event is fired after a Page is copied.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageDelete
This event is fired after a Page is removed.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageMarkForPublishChange
This event is fired after a page had marked-for-publish changes applied to it.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageMove
This event is fired after a Page is moved.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageRollback
This event is fired after a page is rolled back.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPageUndoCheckOut
This event is fired after a page undo check-out.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventAfterPublishingTargetMarkForPublishChange
This event is fired after any Publishing Target is marked for publish, unmarked for publish, or has its marking version changed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.)
Public eventAfterRegionRootCopy
This event is fired after a Region Root is copied.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventAfterUserDelete
This event is fired after a User is deleted.
(Inherited from IUserEvents.)
Public eventAfterUserGroupDelete
This event is fired after a Group is deleted.
(Inherited from IUserGroupEvents.)
Public eventAfterWorkflowAdvance
Called after all actions are executed and Transition has occured. Not called on a Bridge action.
(Inherited from IWorkflowTransitionEvents.)
Public eventBeforeCategoryDelete
This event is fired before a Category Node is deleted.
(Inherited from ITaxonomyEvents.)
Public eventBeforeCrossLocaleCopy
This event is fired before a Page is copied across Region Roots.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforeEmptyRecycleFolder
This event is fired before emptying the Recycle Folder.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforeEntitySave
This event is fired before any Entity object is about to be saved.
(Inherited from IEntityEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageAssign
This event is fired before page is assigned.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageCheckIn
This event is fired before a page is checked in.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageCheckOut
This event is fired before a page is checked out.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageCopy
This event is fired before a Page to be copied.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageDelete
This event is fired before a Page is moved to Recycle Folder.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageMarkForPublishChange
This event is fired before a page has any changes marked for publish.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageMove
This event is fired before a Page is moved.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageRollback
This event is fired before a page is rolled back to previous version.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePageUndoCheckOut
This event is fired before a page undo check-out.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventBeforePublish
This event is fired before a Publishing Task is submitted.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.)
Public eventBeforePublishingTargetMarkForPublishChange
This event is fired before any Publishing Target is marked for publish, unmarked for publish, or has its marking version changed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.)
Public eventBeforeRegionRootCopy
This event is fired before a Region Root is copied.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventBeforeUserDelete
This event is fired before a User is deleted.
(Inherited from IUserEvents.)
Public eventBeforeUserGroupDelete
This event is fired before a Group is deleted.
(Inherited from IUserGroupEvents.)
Public eventBeforeWorkflowAdvance
Called before a Transition occurs.
(Inherited from IWorkflowTransitionEvents.)
Public eventBeginPublish
This event is fired when a publish starts.
(Inherited from IPublishingTaskEvents.)
Public eventCategoryCreated
This event is fired when a Category Node is created.
(Inherited from ITaxonomyEvents.)
Public eventCategoryRenamed
This event is fired when a category is renamed.
(Inherited from ICategoryEvents.)
Public eventPageCreated
This event is fired when a new Page is created.
(Inherited from ISiteEvents.)
Public eventPageRenamed
This event is fired after a page is renamed.
(Inherited from IPageEvents.)
Public eventPublishComplete
This event is fired when a Publishing Task finishes executing.
(Inherited from IPublishingTaskEvents.)
Public eventPublished
This event is fired after a Publishing Task is completed.
(Inherited from IPublishingTargetEvents.)
Public eventPublishingErrorOccurred
This event is fired when any error occurrs during Publishing Task execution.
(Inherited from IPublishingTaskEvents.)
Public eventPublishStepAdvanced
This event is fired when Publishing Task advances to next step (e.g., when a publish task finishes copying images).
(Inherited from IPublishingTaskEvents.)
Public eventPublishStepUpdated
This event is fired when a Publishing Task finishes publishing one Page.
(Inherited from IPublishingTaskEvents.)
Public eventUserCreated
This event is fired when a User is created.
(Inherited from IUserEvents.)
Public eventUserGroupCreated
This event is fired when a Group is created.
(Inherited from IUserGroupEvents.)

Content store events are a collection of events fired by different managers. Managers include their own share of events. The content store subscribes to the events fired by each manager and fires a corresponding event with the same name. Therefore, subscribing to content store events also subscribes to all manager events.
See Also
