IHierarchyId Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IHierarchyId type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddChild
Adds a new child hierarchy. This will cause the next available child position to increment by one.
Public method Ancestors
Retrieves the collection of this hierarchy's ancestors
Public method IsChildOf
Checks whether this hierarchy is child of another hierarchy.
Public method IsDescendantOf
Checks whether this hierarchy descends from another hierarchy.
Public method IsDescendantOrSelfOf
Checks whether this hierarchy is descends from another hierarchy or is the hierarychy itself.
Public method MoveAncestor
Moves the hierarchy to be under another ancestor
Public method Next
Retrieves the next sibling hierarchy available.
Public method NextChild
Retrieves the next child hierarchy available
Public method Parent
Retrieves the parent hierarchy of this hierarchy.
Public method SiblingPosition
Retrieves the position of this hierarchy to its siblings.
See Also
