ISchemaFieldDefinitions Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The ISchemaFieldDefinitions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AttributeFieldType
Retrieves the attribute field type. There is only one type of attribute field.
Public method Count
Gets the count of built-in field types.
Public method ElementType
Retrieves a field type by element type enum value.
Public method Item
Retrieves a field type by its name.
Public method ItemByID
Retrieves a field type by its internal ID. Refer to the full list of field type IDs at SchemaFieldDefinitions.
Public method ItemByPrefix
Retrieves an Ingeniux properiatary field type by its prefix.
Public method Items
Retrieves all built-in schema field types.
Public method MultiSelectItemByContent
Retrieves a multi-select field type by its implementation node.
Public method TextItemByType
Retrieves a text element type by its standard "dt:type" value. These are standard schema types.
See Also
