ISchemaManager Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The ISchemaManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddFavorite
Adds a new schema field favorite entry to a collection.
Public method Code example CreateComponentSchema
Creates a new component schema. This schema creates a component page, which doesn't have a fixed view associated with it.
Public method Code example CreateSchema
Creates a new Schema. This can be either a page or component schema.
Public method DeepCloneT, TManager
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public method Favorite
Retrieves a schema field favorite entry by it unique ID.
Public method Favorites
Retrieves all the schema field favorites, in a paginated fashion. These favorites are field combinations used to make schema design more convenient for users.
Public method HasSchemaFriendlyName
Checks whether a schema with a given friendly name exists in the collection.
Public method HasSchemaID
Checks whether a schema with a given ID exists in collection.
Public method ImportSchema(String, Boolean)
Imports a schema with a string serialization of the previous-generation schema XML file.
Public method ImportSchema(XDocument, Boolean)
Imports a schema with a string serialization of the previous-generation schema XML file.
Public method ParseSchema
Parse xml document and convert it into schema entity. Please note that this entity is not saved to database yet.
Public method QuickWrite
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction. This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public method RemoveFavorite
Removes a schema field favorite entry from a collection by its unique ID.
Public method RemoveSchema
Removes an existing schema.
Public method SchemaByFriendlyName
Retrieves a schema by its friendly name. Friendly names are unique to a schema's collection.
Public method SchemaByID
Retrieves a schema by its ID.
Public method SchemaByRootName
Retrieves a schema by its page root element name. Root element names are unique to a schema's collection.
Public method SchemaRootNameAvailable
Checks whether a schema with a given page root element name exists in the collection.
Public method Schemas(String)
Retrieves schemas by unique ID.
Public method Schemas(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves schemas in a paginated fashion.
Public method SchemasCount
Gets the count of all schemas, including schemas with errors that cannot be used to create pages.
Public method SystemSchema
Retrieves one of the six system schemas. These system schemas are essential to CMS functionality and cannot be modified via the CSAPI.
Public method ValidSchemasCount
Gets the count of valid schemas, which can be used to create pages.
See Also
