IContentStore Methods Ingeniux CMS Content Store API

The IContentStore type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GetAttachment
Retrieves a binary attachment from the ContentStore.
Public method GetStartingUser
Gets a starting User object to open a session.
Public method IsStale
Returns whether a given index is stale.
Public method LastIndexTimestamp
Returns the last time a given index was indexed.
Public method Code example OpenReadSession
Opens a read-only session. This session doesn't track changes to objects that were retrieved within this session, nor does it track created or deleted objects. It is not in charge of saving changes, only for reading.
Public method Code example OpenWriteSession
Opens a read/write session. This session automatically tracks changes made to any objects that were retrieved within this session. It also tracks the newly created and to-be-deleted objects. All saves occur when the session is disposed. If any exceptions occurred before the session is closed, no changes are applied. This system makes it easy to perform transactional changes and prevents any partial changes due to errors before the session is disposed.
Public method PutAttachment
Saves an attachment to the ContentStore.
Public method RemoveAttachment
Removes an attachment from the ContentStore.
Public method StartIndexing
Starts indexing on the document store.
Public method StopIndexing
Stops indexing on the document store once the current indexing batch is finished.
See Also
