CustomHooks Class |
Namespace: Ingeniux.CMS
public class CustomHooks : ICustomHooks, IPageHooks, IContentItemHooks<IPage>, IAssetHooks, ITaxonomyHooks, IUserGroupHooks, IWorkflowHooks, IAssetWorkflowHooks, IPublishHooks
The CustomHooks type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CustomHooks | Initializes a new instance of the CustomHooks class |
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
OnAfterAssign |
This method is invoked after a Page is assigned to a User.
DO NOT call Page.AssignUser or Page.AssignGroup inside this method, otherwise it will cause infinite loop
| |
OnAfterAssignAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was assigned to a User.
DO NOT call contentItem.AssignUser or contentItem.AssignGroup inside this method, otherwise it will cause infinite loop
| |
OnAfterCategoryDelete |
This method is invoked after a Category Node was deleted
| |
OnAfterCheckIn |
This method is invoked after a Page is checked in
| |
OnAfterCheckInAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was checked in.
| |
OnAfterCheckOut |
This method is invoked after a Page is checked in
| |
OnAfterCheckOutAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was checked out.
| |
OnAfterCopy |
This method is invoked after a Page gets copied
| |
OnAfterCopyAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was copied.
| |
OnAfterCrossLocaleCopy |
This method is invoked before a non-Region-Root Page gets copied to under another Region Root.
| |
OnAfterCrossLocaleCopyAsset |
This method is invoked after a non-Region-Root Asset was pasted under another Region Root.
| |
OnAfterDelete |
This method is invoked after a Page moved to recycle folder to removed permanently
| |
OnAfterDeleteAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was moved to recycle folder or removed permanently.
| |
OnAfterEmptyAssetRecycleFolder |
This method is invoked after all Assets under the Recycle Folder were permanently removed.
| |
OnAfterEmptyRecycleFolder |
This method is invoked after all Pages under Recycle Folder were permanently removed.
| |
OnAfterEntitySave |
This method is invoked after any type of Ingeniux CMS CSAPI Entity object was saved.
| |
OnAfterLogout |
This method is invoked after a User logged out.
| |
OnAfterMarkForPublish |
This method is invoked after a Page was marked/unmarked for publish
| |
OnAfterMarkForPublishAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was marked/unmarked for publish.
| |
OnAfterMove |
This method is invoked after a Page moved to another location
| |
OnAfterMoveAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was moved to another location.
| |
OnAfterMoveTaxonomy |
This method is invoked after a Taxonomy Category Node was moved to another location.
| |
OnAfterPasteSpecial |
This method is invoked after a Page gets copied via special command. On CMS UI, the Paste Special command is executed via drag and drop with "Alt" key instead "Ctrl" key pressed.
The "Paster Special" command at the core is just a copy command, which this hook method invoked.
| |
OnAfterRegionRootCopy |
This method is invoked after a Region Root Page was cloned into another Region Root Page, with lingual maps established between the two Regions.
| |
OnAfterRegionRootCopyAsset |
This method is invoked after a Region Root Asset was cloned into another Region Root Asset, with lingual maps established between the two Regions.
| |
OnAfterRollback |
This method is invoked after a Page was rolled back to its previous version
| |
OnAfterRollbackAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset was rolled back to its previous version.
| |
OnAfterUndoCheckOut |
This method is invoked after a Page abandoned its checked out version and back into checked in state.
| |
OnAfterUndoCheckOutAsset |
This method is invoked before a non-Region-Root Asset is copied to under another Region Root.
| |
OnAfterUpload |
This method is invoke after a File Upload got processed by Ingeniux CMS Site Instance server.
| |
OnAfterUserDelete |
This method is invoked after a User was deleted
| |
OnAfterUserGroupDelete |
This method is invoked after a UserGroup was deleted
| |
OnAfterWorkflowAdvance |
This method is invoked after a Workflow advanced through a Transition
| |
OnAfterWorkflowAdvanceAsset |
This method is invoked after a content item was advanced in workflow.
| |
OnAssetCategorizationChange |
This method is invoked association or disassociation between a Category Node and an Asset.
| |
OnBeforeAssign |
This method is invoked before a Page is assigned to a User.
DO NOT call Page.AssignUser or Page.AssignGroup inside this method, otherwise it will cause infinite loop
| |
OnBeforeAssignAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is assigned to a User.
DO NOT call contentItem.AssignUser or contentItem.AssignGroup inside this method, otherwise it will cause an infinite loop.
| |
OnBeforeCategoryDelete |
This method is invoked before a Category Node is deleted
| |
OnBeforeCheckIn |
This method is invoked before a Page is checked in
| |
OnBeforeCheckInAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is checked in.
| |
OnBeforeCheckOut |
This method is invoked before a Page is checked out
| |
OnBeforeCheckOutAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is checked out.
| |
OnBeforeCopy |
This method is invoked before a Page gets copied
| |
OnBeforeCopyAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is copied.
| |
OnBeforeCrossLocaleCopy |
This method is invoked before a non-Region-Root Page gets copied to under another Region Root.
| |
OnBeforeCrossLocaleCopyAsset |
This method is invoked before a non-Region-Root Asset is copied to under another Region Root.
| |
OnBeforeDelete |
This method is invoked before a Page moved to recycle folder to removed permanently
| |
OnBeforeDeleteAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset moved to recycle folder to removed permanently.
| |
OnBeforeEmptyAssetRecycleFolder |
This method is invoked before all Assets under the Recycle Folder are permanently removed.
| |
OnBeforeEmptyRecycleFolder |
This method is invoked before all Pages under Recycle Folder are permanently removed.
| |
OnBeforeEntitySave |
This method is invoked before any type of Ingeniux CMS CSAPI Entity object is saved
| |
OnBeforeLogout |
This method is invoked before a User attempt to log out.
| |
OnBeforeMarkForPublish |
This method is invoked before a Page is marked/unmarked for publish
| |
OnBeforeMarkForPublishAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is marked/unmarked for publish.
| |
OnBeforeMove |
This method is invoked before a Page moved to another location
| |
OnBeforeMoveAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is moved to another location.
| |
OnBeforeMoveTaxonomy |
This method is invoked before a Taxonomy Category Node is moved to another location.
| |
OnBeforePasteSpecial |
This method is invoked before a Page gets copied via special command. On CMS UI, the Paste Special command is executed via drag and drop with "Alt" key instead "Ctrl" key pressed.
The "Paster Special" command at the core is just a copy command, which this hook method invoked.
| |
OnBeforePublish |
This method is invoked before a Publishing Task is submitted
| |
OnBeforeRegionRootCopy |
This method is invoked before a Region Root Page is cloned into another Region Root Page, with lingual maps established between the two Regions.
| |
OnBeforeRegionRootCopyAsset |
This method is invoked before a Region Root Asset is cloned into another Region Root Asset, with lingual maps established between the two Regions.
| |
OnBeforeRollback |
This method is invoked before a Page is rolled back to its previous version
| |
OnBeforeRollbackAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset is rolled back to its previous version.
| |
OnBeforeUndoCheckOut |
This method is invoked before a Page abandons its checked out version and back into checked in state.
| |
OnBeforeUndoCheckOutAsset |
This method is invoked before an Asset abandons its checked out version and reverts back to its last checked in version.
| |
OnBeforeUpload |
This method is invoke before a File Upload gets processed by Ingeniux CMS Site Instance server.
| |
OnBeforeUserDelete |
This method is invoked before a User is deleted
| |
OnBeforeUserGroupDelete |
This method is invoked before a UserGroup is deleted
| |
OnBeforeWorkflowAdvance |
This method is invoked before a Workflow advances through a Transition
| |
OnBeforeWorkflowAdvanceAsset |
This method is invoked before a content item is advanced in workflow.
| |
OnCategoryCreated |
This method is invoked after a Category Node was created
| |
OnCategoryRenamed |
This method is invoked after a Category Node was created.
DO NOT assign to CategoryNode.Name in third method; otherwise, it will cause infinite loop
| |
OnNew |
This method is invoked after a new Page is created.
| |
OnNewAsset |
This method is invoked after a new Asset is created.
| |
OnPageCategorizationChange |
This method is invoked association or disassociation between a Category Node and an Page.
| |
OnPublishComplete |
This method is invoked after a Publishing Task was completed
| |
OnRename |
This method is invoked after a Page is renamed.
DO NOT assign to Page.Name inside the method, otherwise it will cause infinite loop
| |
OnRenameAsset |
This method is invoked after an Asset is renamed.
DO NOT call contentItem.Name inside this method, otherwise it will cause an infinite loop.
| |
OnUpdateAsset |
This method is invoked after an edit to an Asset File is saved.
| |
OnUserCreated |
This method is invoked after a User was created
| |
OnUserGroupCreated |
This method is invoked after a UserGroup was created
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Please note that this file is compiled at runtime directly by Ingeniux CMS Site Instance.
The purpose of "API_Extensions_Development_Harnes" project in "Custom" folder is only for development and debugging. It's build result will not be used by Ingeniux CMS Site Instance.
However, the references of " "API_Extensions_Development_Harnes" project will be used during runtime compilation of the this file.